Part 8-New HighSchool

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Emma's POV
We've been tracing for a long time, but we finally made it to England.

Once we're there, we compel the people to let us in. Then we find a forest, we change into our animals. Just as we were leaving the woods and finding a new place.

We heard a twig snap. But it came from the right, I think. Leo didn't think so, so he faced left.

Then all of a sudden to boys came, from where the right. Haha Leo you suck. The boys must of not noticed us because as soon as they say is the froze dead in there tracks.

I growl deeply and circle them, Leo does the same. But in stead of growling he's, snapping at them.

If you knew Leo, you know he would do anything. But they didn't. One lad pulled out a knife on Leo.

What fucking teen has a knife, but just as the boy went for Leo. I jumped at him, and roared. The boy started to sob. But I snapped at him. The other boy yelled, "Ryder I take the other-" "Preston Watch it!" Ryder screamed.

But it was to late Leo had already jumped Preston the moment Ryder had stopped talking. Ryder tried to get up but I slammed him down hard, like really hard.

He whimpers, "Please, I didn't mean to! I wasn't going to shank you!" He pleas.

Yeah, right and I'm the tooth fairy. Anyway, I mind link him.

Leo does the same with, Preston.

"Ryder!" I loudly say in his mind.

"The fuck what? How are you doing that?" He says with fear and confusion.
"Don't worry about, just focus!" I growl.

"Please don't kill-" "Enough! We don't want to kill you, we want to go home so back off!" I snap at him
"But you're Irish you don't belong in England." Fuck I forgot to do an American accent!

I face Leo, "Leo we need to leave!" I say scared.

"Why?" He says in confusion, you can tell even in a mind link.

"I'll tell you later! Let's go!"

I look back at Ryder, snap at him one more time. Then I pick him up by his shirt and throw him against a tree, he falls to the ground out cold. Leo does the same but picks Preston up by hims pant leg.

But now me and Leo leave. We found a cave and no-one lived here, neither did an animal. So we were safe.

But before Leo and I left we took our suit cases, we needed them. But we still have to by more clothes.

We cover our scent and we both lay down on the same flat long rock. It was wide enough to fit both of us, and long enough as well.

Luckily the cave was dark, so we didn't have to hide that much.

Then after a couple of minutes we got really cold. Leo could tell I was, I was shaking a lot. So Leo got is our Blanket that all of our siblings would share.

And hell we still do- did. And when my body was like warm, me and Leo fell asleep.

(in the morning!)

Leo and I, got up at like four in the morning. Leo woke me up first though.

Me and Leo had like six and a half hours of sleep. For a normal human, that would be enough. But for me and Leo that's like a human getting two hours of sleep.

But we needed some food and we needed to change. So when Leo got dressed outside I got dressed I the cave.

I got dressed in a black shirt that had Deadpool and Spiderman talking. And the some black skinny jeans with rips in them. Also to top it of I had black flats on.

When I came out of the cave, Leo just finished putting his shirt on. Leo had a dark blue shirt that sticker to him, to show off his abs and some nice midnight black jeans. And he had on black Steph Curry shoes on.

Then we build a fire to keep us warm and to cook whatever we find to eat.

Then when we shift we find a pack of wolfs who just killed a deer. They growled at us. We growled back.

They backed away and he grabs its thighs and parts of the stomach that the wolves didn't touch.

After we brought it back home, the fire was still going and we had blood all over us. So we found a little lake got in it and cleaned our animals.

We came back everything was still there. We found super thick branches, stabbed them into the ground and we found a really sharp, strong, sturdy, thick branch and buy it on top of the two other branches.

Then we tape it down, cause I brought tape because I was scared that if we didn't find a house we be living like this.

But I brought duck tape and Scotch tape. So we put the Scotch tape around the brunches the connected to the top branch.

But we knew that, that want going to hold so we layered duck tape like we did with the other tape.

The I put my hand on it, wiggle it a bit and it was  pretty good. So at this time it was about 7:25. So me and Leo taped the food the the sticks and put the sticks over the fire.

It cooked nicely. And it tasted  really good. Then we put all our stuff away, packed up our clothes and put the suit cases in the back of the cave. The we put out the fire, grabbed our backpacks.

I put my phone, wallet, lunch, snacks and some books.

Leo had a map to show the high schools in the area, lunch, snacks books and a two pocket knifes.

"Ready?" Leo asks me, "yeah, I'm ready, you? And are you ready?" He smiles at me, "only if you are!" I smile back. Know it's 8:15.

And the school we're going starts and 8:35, so we speed so fast not even cats can see us.

We run and its 8:28, when we arrive at Black Rose High.  I can already smell werewolves. "Mask your scent to human!" I whisper to Leo. "Gotcha!" He whispered back.

Walk through the parking lot because it seemed like the easiest way to get into the school. Luckily dad, gave is our papers so we could go to this school. He already phoned the school, because Leo mind linked him.

When I look up, to see everyone's world stop because, they see us. Leo and I just ignore them
And carry on with our lives. But they're just standing there staring at us.

When I stop looking at everyone and focus on walking I see someone, but is too late.

I bump into this random girl. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She says with a worried face.

"Nope, it's okay! I'm perfectly fine!" I smile at her.

"YOU'RE IRISH!" She yells.
"Yeah, what's your point?" Leo steps in.

"No, no, no! I'm trying to sound mean is just we don't get many visitors." She says smiling super big.

"I have one question," I continue, "we are we? My smile soon fades.

"Well don't you know?" I shake my head. "No.."

"Well the, 'Welcome To Black Tiger!'"

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