Everyone was terrified.
I look over at Noah who's still freaking out. I look around the ice cream shop and everything is just wrecked. There's pieces of the ceiling on the floor. Chairs on the floor
" Aubrey we need to get out of here. There's gonna be an aftershock and I don't want to be here when it happens." Noah said grabbing his things.
We walked out of the shop and outside to she people outside scared. Power lines were down. It was complete chaos.
"Noah we gotta go." I said gently pulling on his shirt.
He didn't move. He was in complete shock.
"Noah let's go now!" I exclaimed grabbing his hand and running down the street trying to get to my house.
I ran up the front steps still dragging Noah behind me. I twisted the doorknob. The door opened without a struggle. Of course my dad would leave it unlocked.
"Come on we have to get some things." I said walking inside.
I grabbed an empty backpack and headed to the kitchen. I opened a drawer and took out a flashlight, some batteries, a pocket knife, and a first-aid kit. I put them all in the backpack except the pocket knife, I kept that in my pocket.
"Give me your geeky computer thing." I demanded.
Noah extended his arms and handed me it. I shoved it in the backpack then through it over my shoulder.
I started to walk out of the house and onto the street.
"Aubrey. Aubrey wait!" Noah called out.
I turned around to face him.
"What's our plan?" He asked.
"Well your parents are okay because there in Rome. So now we find my parents. But if you don't wanna help be my guest and stay here." I answered turning back around and walking.
I heard Noah sigh then came running after me. He grabbed my hand.
"Your not going alone. I'm right here." He said with a smile.
Sorry I know it's short. Forgive me? Anyways stay tuned for chapter 3. Love y'all ❤️