chap 18

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" no we didn't " I turned around, he was rubbing his eyes " no we didn't.." he said . Phew
" I didn't say anything" I shrugged .

I quickly ran into the bathroom.
I turned on the shower. Hot water soothed me . Y why was it that I was afraid of having such relationship..Im drunk I say things I want not what I feel ..

I got into my closet which was linked to the bathroom. Walk in closet
I chose a yellow summer dress .

I got out of the room to see Ryan on phone .
" what ..are you serious, they saw her  ? . I want you to find out . No Victoria ?  , it's dangerous.." he saw me and smiled . " report to me ",he said and ended the call .

" what is it ..who is Victoria?" I said . He came closer and hugged me .
" no-one , it's OK . Hmm you smell delicious" he laughed. Kissed my temple .

He lifted me up in a swift . Like I was weightless . There was no strain on his hand . 

" se I told you " he said proudly.
" wooohhh .." everybody cheered . Well it was that Abigail who was not so fond of Ryan challenged him for lifting me up , that was so stupid of them .
Ryan was enjoying his moment when his phone rang . He gave me a kiss and put e down .
" what is it ." He said " unnhun . Now ? Okay " he ended the call .
" Em I have to go , probably for a few days . I'm sorry . I'll call you " he said and left . Without letting me say anything.

" woah , what was that about " drake said .
" nothing just some work" I said to assure him or myself.

" hello ! ..Ryan plz call back it's been 5 days . Where are you " I left a voicemail for him.

He didn't came or called . What's wrong with him . He even missed my B-Day . How could he ? I hate him .

Why does everyone I love leaves me ? Uggg
" hon..did he called ?" Lilly asked looking sympathetically at me .

" no he Didn't . Is anything wrong with me lil ? . Is there anything unlovable about me . " my eyes welled up in tears . I was crying. History was repeating itself .
" he said not to let my past love affect my present and future love . He didn't mean that .did he ? " I asked to Lilly .
" of course he did . He might be just busy ." She said brushing my hair .

" no he didn't, if he did he. Would have not left me like this " I cried . She said nothing. I knew she agreed to what I said . She was just saying those words to comfort me .
Where was he ? What was he upto?

Hey guys !!
This book was supposed to be my so called story ..but I went a little off track . So there is a surprise for you all .
Specially for you chiya ..and yashi 😘 love you both

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