Feeling stupid

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I'm sorry if you already knew this I probably wouldn't have if I was reading not writing the story. Anyway Charlie is only seen as a friend, as Aiden could be seen as a potential love interest, sorry, anyway carry on.


Its starting to feel like the world hates me. I huff as my head lands in my hands as my elbows rest on my bedroom desk.

I can't believe I thought today was a school day! I thought it was weird Lucas didn't wake me up, and that I didn't see other people walk towards the school.

They were enough signs to tell me it was a weekend! Like Damn am I that stupid?

I thought Charlie genuinely wanted to be my friend? Not use me as a tool to destroy my brother.

So what about Aiden? Does he have something he wants from me as Well? Is he trying to help charlie, did my brother do something to him?

Farkle did his research and said he was a good guy, what am I suppose to think now that I know I've been played.

I can't believe Farkle let Lucas hate him all year. Beat him up to the extent he was still having problems hearing and just let it happen without calling out lucas's real enemy.

I can't keep a secret from Lucas, I'm lucky I kept me and Farkle a secret, but two secrets!

Farkle asked me to just stall telling Lucas anything until he leaves, which he brings up constantly, it breaks my heart knowing someone important will disappear from my life within a few weeks.

I look up to the genius behind me, studying his books. I sigh as I stand up and plop myself on my bed, but not getting his attention.

I huff as I crawl in front of him and sit like a lost puppy with the eyes and everything, still no attention, stuck in his books.

I moves his books away and he goes to grab them like a child that lost their candy, I give him 'are you serious' look, he just pouts.

"Mayyyyaaa" he groans, stretching out my name as he tries to grab the book out of my hand.

"No your the one who said we should spend our time together untill you have to leave" I state as I turn my gaze away from the childish boy in front of me.

"But we are spending time together, we're studying together" he tries to convince me as he once again tries to reach of the book.

"No your studying and I'm bored" I pout my eyebrows frowned on a sad tone.

"Well it's raining outside we can't go anywhere" Farkle states and eyebrow raised "And there's not much we can do indoors"

"You say that but I think you'll like what I have planned" I smile as I place the book on the bed and grab his hand, dragging him out of bed.

Before I drag him to the window he tries once again to reach for the book.

"Farkle if you try reaching for that book one more time I swear I'll throw you out this window" I threaten, he turns around a sad pout on his face as he climbs out the window and carefully down the stone wall.

I follow him movements slowly, I trip as I mistake a brick for the ground, feeling adrenaline fill me veins as the wind gushes through my hair, waiting to hit the hard ground.

I don't feel it come as I land in Farkle's arms he smirks.

"Try not to be stupid when climbing down next time" he smiles like a smartass as he helps me to my feet. "Anyway what did you want to do, we'll have to run in the rain just so you know"

"Didn't you ride your motorcycle here?" I ask confused, he rubs the back of his next.

"Uh nah, i-"

"-You don't feel safe driving it because of your accident" I raise an eyebrow, he nods.

I smile lightly as I take his hand and we start running, I lead him to his middle school fort, inside the cover away from the rain.

"I already took you here? Why did you take us here?" Farkle asks as he sits down on the fluffy pillows.

"Because this is special to you, I want it to be special to us, special to me when you leave so I have something that reminds me of you" I announce, he smiles and I sit in his lap as he rests his arms around my waist leaning his forehead on the back of my shoulder.

"Than it's our spot" he whispers in my ear, he kissed my shoulder, I blush.

"I lov-" boom lightning I jump up scared as I hold on my heart as I breathe, trying to return back to normal breathing.

Farkle laughs at me, as if I was a threatened cat with its hairs spiked up. i smirk and he stops laughing i practically pick him up and throw him out into the rain.

"That's no fair Maya" farkle states as he runs up to me, picks me up and lands me on the grass, beneath him, his breathing heavy.

I feel the rain beginning to soak my clothes. i look into his eyes as he tries to regain his breath, slight smoke falling from his mouth because of the cold air.

"Is it fair now?" i ask, an eyebrow raised.

He smiles, he lowers his head and attacts our lips in a sweet, passionate yet innocent kiss. he pulls away too fast and i moan in disappointment as he stands up, taking me with him.

"What were you going to say before the lightning?" he asks curiously, my heart speeds up.

"Uh it wasnt importatant, I'll probably just tell you later" i smile awkwardly, lying as he nods.

"Okay" he responds nodding. It was important.

I feel stupid.

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