Longing For You

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Chapter 1

Lucy followed behind the student councilor, of her new school, who showed her to all of her classes then to her locker and how to open it.

"You will be attending your second period at the bell which rings in...about five minutes and welcome to our school, Ms.Reign." The tall woman walked away with pride in every step. Lucy sighed and pulled open her locker, she dumped the extra weight from her bag that she knew she would not need.

When the bell rang, she felt a wave of nervousness go through her.

She watched in horror as kids began to pour out into the hallway, quickly she bolted to the girl's bathroom, to hide out. She finally relaxed and headed to class about ten minutes later, the halls were empty and she sighed in relief.

She walked outside of her second periods door and argued with herself on whether she should open the door or chicken out again. Lucy quickly drew in a breath and pulled open the door and as soon as she did every single eye in the room was on her. She drew in a breath feeling more confident now, she marched up to the teacher and smiled her best.

"Y...you must be the new student, Lucy. Welcome to our class!" the teacher, Ms. Mari smiled warmly and acceptingly.

"Why don't you introduce yourself...your name, where you came from, and one interesting fact." Lucy watched as the teacher sat in a comfy looking chair and turned it so that she was facing Lucy.

"Im Lucy Reigns, I came from Ohio, one interesting fact about myself is that....that I love to bake!" She grinned at the class who seemed to liven up for every word that she spoke.

"Hello Lucy!" The class chimed as she waved at them, "Class...I will give you some chill time to get to introduce yourself to Lucy" A group of students crowded around the desk that Lucy decided to sit in.

"Hi, I'm Jessica" A average height girl smiled down on Lucy, her long black hair licked at the small of her back. Her brown eyes seemed to eat away at Lucy's soul.

"Nice to meet you..." Jessica grinned and told Lucy that she would like to be friends with her since Jessica hardly had friends, she only had two other friends, whom she introduced to Lucy.

"This is Alyssa, that's Cheyenne, and me." Lucy nodded and introduced herself to them all, "It is nice to make your acquaintance." Lucy began to mingle with the three girls and she decided that they were the only ones that she needed and wanted.

"Well lets let Lucy join our little group!" Alyssa said with a little life in her already sparkling gray eyes. They all agreed and Lucy smiled at them, "Well...do you want to all hang at my house?" Cheyenne asked with pictures of them baking flashing through her mind. "Including you Lucy, of course." Lucy smiled and as she did her deep brown eyes glimmered.

"Just meet us after school at the front and we'll all walk together. Oh and sit with us at lunch so we can tell you some stories." Jessica grinned with excitement to know that this new and fierce girl would be her friend, and here she thought that Lucy would be snobby and not want to talk to someone as simple as her and her friends.

"At lunch you should sit with us" Cheyenne offered and Alyssa and Jessica nodded in agreement. "We'll call out for you" The other students became jealous to see how quickly Lucy and the two others became friends.

The bell rang quite annoyingly, it startled the four girls who sat there giggling and chatting. Lucy hopped up and marched to her locker and opened her locker, only after saying goodbye to her new friends. She put in the code and pulled open her locker to see the same unused notebooks that she had put in there about an hour before.

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