break the silence?

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You lose someone.
Its been years.
You just stopped..stopped talking.
Nobody knows why. Neither of you knows why.
You were best of friends.
Laughed, teased and everything inclusive of what best friends do.
But somehow, somehow that page was scribbled and ripped out.
Chances to put the pieces back together came but still you held back.
Or maybe it just won't be the same no more...
You thought.
MAYBE that's the problem!
You think too much.
But then again guess you'll never know huh.

One thing's for sure on your part, there is still that one feeling that you forever try to suppress and hide.
But for how long?

Author's note:
First post this year!!! 🙈🙈
Also I'd like to pose a question. Do you think its possible for friends to grow back in like after years of non-relation??

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