Chapter One~The Journey Begins

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Both me and Léon wolfed down our breakfast, both of us missed Luna and I knew he was getting homesick, I could see it in his eyes. He loved this place, but home was home.

Halfway through I felt a tug on my pant leg, I looked down to find Impact asking for food.

"Hey Ol' Boy, you want some food?" Impacts once black fur had turned grey, his snout was white, and he was blind in one eye, but he was still kicking, and was still pretty intimidating.

He whined, telling me yes to my question, and I held out a chunk of meat. He grabbed it gently and licked my fingers gratefully. I scratched the top of his head and he hobbled off to the other room.

"He's on his last legs you know?" My dad said sadly, and my mother shook her head.

"Dad, you say that every time, and every time I come back he's fine." I replied, and frowned when I saw Léon playing with his food.

"Hey, you alright, I know you're hungry, but you haven't eaten a bite." Léon's head jerked up from his food and he looked straight into my soul for a split second.

He went pink."Oh, No, nothing, just..... nothing." He looked away and started eating.

"Léon." I smirked and leaned on the table towards him, he looked up and his mouth slowly lifted into a cheeky smile.

"No ,Ái." He said, I felt his feet protect his legs from underneath the table, Dad and Mom rolled thier eyes and moved their plates off the table, they hadn't finished eating yet.

"Yes, Léon. I'm gonna do it." My smirk got bigger and I felt Léon brace himself.

I swiftly kicked the bottom of the table, his food was knocked up to his face and the meat and eggs fell right on top of his head. Taking my chance I kicked his exposed nards(yes, those) And he growled in pain and hit the floor.

Jack started dying, his infectious laugh broke through Léon's pain and he started laughing to, I had fallen on the floor, banging my fist into the floor, and Dad was chuckling to himself.

Mom however, didn't think it was so funny.

"Ái, Léon! Look what a mess you made! Now I have to clean this up!" She put her hands on her hips and stared us down, and even though she was tiny, I felt like an ant compared to her.

"Sorry Momma" "Sorry Mrs.F" Me and Léon said at once, and I grabbed a towel to help clean up my mess, but Mom started laughing.

"Oh, it's fine, you two should get going, it's a long way home." Dad took the towel from me and gave me a thumbs up, before swooping down and kissing Mom squarely on the mouth.

I made a gagging noise and turned away in disgust.

Léon did the same, and we both laughed.

"Léon, do you remember the chords I showed you on that guitar?" Dad said, after he pulled away from Mom, leaving her in a daze.

"Yes sir, I do." Léon said politely, and Dad chuckled.

"You know you can call me Aaron, or Dad, right?" He gave Léon his signature smile, which was also my signature smile, and Léon gulped.

"Yeah,.......Dad." I could feel Lèon's uncomfortableness from my place beside him, But for some reason him calling my Dad, Dad, made me very....... odd feeling.

Dad chuckled, and bent down to clean, his back cracking in the process.

"Oh! Ow, looks like Impact isn't the only one on his last legs." He chuckled and cleaned the spot of egg off the floor and stood back up.

He was getting age, his once slick black hair had grey spots, he wasn't able to move as fast as he used to, and every time he got up, you could feel the joints screaming.

Mom punched him on the arm, startling him.

"Don't joke. Be safe kids, contact us when you guys get home." She smiled and waved as we walked out, Jack and Aurora waving as well.

We waved and started off, the dirt crunching beneath our feet as we passed Levin and Malachi's old place. They had went back to the vault with their Dads. And wouldn't be back for another month.

"Hey Ái?" Léon asked as he passed the borderline, we were now officially out in the wasteland, and at the mercy of the elements.

"Yeah?" I replied, looking at him while fiddling with Dad's bandana.

"So..... your Dad taught me a song. So when we get home can I.... play it....without you laughing?" It was a serious question, and I felt hurt that he would think that.

"What?! Yes you dork, I'm sure you'll do fine, my Dad is awesome at guitar and you're awesome in general." The last bit slipped out but it seemed to quell his worry, tramped through the wasteland with smiles on our faces.

I felt his hand graze mine but he quickly pulled it away, and started walking a little faster. He then turned around and stopped right in front of me. He had a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing?" I stopped in front of him, he had a dark, evil look on his face.

"Ái......" His voice was dark, and I suddenly felt a cold shiver of fear run down my spine.

"Dude. Really, what are you doing." I backed up a little, and he suddenly pounced on me, tickling me and laughing.

"No!!!!!" Geroff!" I thrashed under him, yelling a few choice words at him between laughs. Eventually I kicked him off, the look on his face told me he knew he messed up.

"Never.....Do That........Again. GOT IT!" I yelled, he nodded weakly and helped him up, refusing to talk to him the rest of the walk.

No one ever tickles me.


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