Chapter 26: Caught In The Act.

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I brushed the dust of the cobblestone streets, looking around at the construction around me.

An Inn was being built, a tavern, houses built and repaired, a well being dug. Fences being put up. And from the gate, A mountainous stone wall, it looked like an medieval town, but much easier to build and maintain with the technology we had.

The road was made of cobbled sandstone, and when the dirt was brushed off, public health was taken care of.

I heard the palace door open, my father was standing in the door way, grinning.

"Shouldn't you be inside? The kids are wondering where you are." I knew it was a lie, he wanted to talk about something.

"Tell them I'm cleaning, and no, there's to much to do for me to be inside." I replied, stopping sweeping for a minute and wiping water off my brow.

"You shouldn't be overworking yourself. Let us take over for a few days." There it was, he wanted me to relax? Not happening until everything is done.

"Dad, I can handle this. Léon's helping me, and the people count on my guidance." I replied, walking up the steps to get into the shade, it was boiling out.

"Looks like their doing just fine to me." He points to the construction of the Inn, there people were very quickly assembling the structure.

"They do the building, I do the organizing and the paperwork, and some of the labor." I'm starting to get irritated, somehow I knew where this was going.

"Really? I just saw Léon doing paperwork in your office." He was no longer smiling, his metal fist clenched in his pocket.

"Yes, I asked him to do the calculations for payments, You know I'm bad at math." I was tapping my foot impatiently now, I had stuff to do.

"And your doing what?" He asked aggressively, taking me aback a little.

"I was going to go inside and organize a training session for some of the guards. They have been getting careless. And then I was going to take Luis and Comet to the river to take a bath, by that time it will be dinner and I'll have to cook. Then I'll tuck in." I listed off the things I needed to do, and he seemed to get more relaxed.

"Good, I want to make sure your leaving time for your kids, they really love you, you know."

"Really? With the way Comet acts around my food you'd think I was trying to poison him." We laugh at the same time, and I see his metal fist unclench.

"Alright. Alright, I just wanted to know. By the
Way, you look incredibly like your mother." He walked down the steps and gave me a sideways wave.

I whipped around to yell at him, but he had gone. And I shook my head and opened the door to the foyer.

Immediately I felt Léon's hands run down my sides as I was pressed lightly against the wall, he smiled as he leaned gently into me.

"I haven't seen you all morning, how's my favorite girl in the universe doing?" He said in a purr, and I rolled my eyes but smiled anyway:

"And what if the baby is a girl?" I ask, leaning into him and kissing his cheek, he went red, it had been six months since we got together, yet he was still as nervous as always.

"Then I'll have two equally perfect girls in my life to love." He grinned and I saw a bulge in his pocket, I had an inkling on what it was. But I wasn't going to bring it up just yet.

To spite him, I leaned into him and wrapped my fingers in his hair, smiling with half-lidded eyes and a smirk.

I kiss him, he holds me against the wall with more force, pinning our bodies together.

"Mmmh...."  He chuckled and bites my ear, growling low in my ear, I jump and wrap my legs around his waist, I giggled, and I slowly made my way to his neck, sucking on it.

He flips me bridal style, and runs up the to our run, kissing passionately on our way in, he doesn't lock the door behind him, pinning me onto the bed.

"Ái~" He purred my name, slipping behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, he was careful to give my increasingly large belly some room.

He kisses and bites my neck, and he slid his hands under my tank, his rough hands sliding against my taught stomach.

"Ah~" I let out a soft moan, he lifted my shirt halfway off exposing the skin, he dipped his hands into my shorts, unzipping them and throwing them on the floor.

"Not exactly what I planned to do today..... but I'm fine with this." I mewl as I felt him shift from behind me, I could tell he was getting anxious.

I make myself slide against the front of his pants, I could hear him hold back a moan, I smirk and kiss his neck.

He starts to reach down below my waist, and I feel him trembling from behind me, his hand holding up my shirt so you could barely see my bra.

"Hey Kids what do you want for-" Mom burst through the door without knocking, catching us in the act. Léon quickly put my shirt down and tried his best to cover us both with blankets.

"Oh! Whoops! Sorry to interrupt!" She is bright red, but so are we, and I think that I want to just die.

"Mom! Have you ever heard of knocking!?" I yell, sinking deeper into the sheets, Léon was silent, but he was scared out of his mind.

"Yes, Sorry, come down after..... I'm just going to leave." She walked out, leaving us blushing and half naked on the bed.

Can I die now, please, I'm done.

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