"Grandma, I don't think I'll get it. It's just too hard." I said as my grandma turned our house back into its normal state. "Barry" (he looks like a bee to me, but whatever) kept repeating "Ya like jazz?" It's annoying when repeats it like that.
"Don't worry, Brielle. I have confidence in you. You're bound to be one of the greatest wizards of all time. Now try it again. And this time, with conviction!"
So, I tried it again. "Wingardium Leviosa!"
And, as soon as the words I had become all-too familiar with rolled off of my tongue, the book levitated. It was the best feeling in the world. But, before I could even do it again, our owl was home. His name is Husby. My grandpa's had him since he joined (then retired years later) from the wizarding council. He's a barn owl. I guess those were most popular back then. If I had the choice, I'd like a snowy owl. They're so beautiful. Husby can be a real brat sometimes. But aside from that, Husby had one letter in his beak. It was addressed to Brielle Lesley. Husby put up a fight to let me have it. When I finally got ahold of it, I saw that it was from Hogwarts! "Grandma! I got my letter!"
"The letter?" Grandma said with growing suspicion.
"Brielle. Are you sure it's from Hogwarts?"
"Grandma, you're freaking me out a little. What do you mean?" I said with fear growing in my heart.
"You remember Voldemort. You remember when he killed your parents, he said he was going to find you." She said, her sadness beginning to surface.
My grandpa suddenly came in the room. He must have heard us talking about it.
"You know we have to take precautions about these certain things. If it really is from Hogwarts, we'll let you go. But we have to make sure."
Then there was a knock on the door.
I went over and checked to see who it was. It was Dumbledore! I opened the door to let him in. He came in and sat down at the table.
"I have to say, Brielle. I agree with your grandparents; but, the letter is indeed real." Said Dumbledore in his kind voice.
"How will we go to Diagon Alley to get my things then?"
"Well, Brielle, I understand your concern, and I can take you next weekend if it is okay with your grandparents." Said Dumbledore.
"I think that would be perfect." Said my grandfather.