1 ~ Returned

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     There he was. Sirius was standing right outside the Department of Mysteries. Why? Didn't he die?

     "Where's Harry?! Harry?!" Sirius yelled. He went up the elevator and to the main room of the Ministry. He thought it would be a bit more empty.

     "Oh no." He said as he pulled his coat over his head. Sirius began to run in search of a more of an empty room. The ministry was the least safe place he could be in right now.

     "Finally-" Sirius sighed as he entered an empty room. He lowered his coat from over his head and looked up.

   Sirius suddenly hadn't realized that the room wasn't empty at all.

"No. It can't be." said a man standing in the corner of the room. His face had gone pale with shock. All the color had drained from his body, "You're coming with me."

"No! Wait. Please! Don't put me in Azkaban!" Sirius pleaded. Sirius began to shake. He didn't have any idea what was going on.

"I will if you aren't who you look like." the man threatened Sirius.

     "If you're going off what you're going off what I look like. Then it's pretty obvious! I'm Sirius Black! But listen, I'm innocent. I'm not a murderer." He pleaded more.

   "I know Sirius Black is innocent. But that's not why you're coming with me." The man answered. Sirius's heart skipped a beat. What did the mean? If he knew he was innocent, why was he in trouble?

     "Drink this." The man instructed. Sirius sat in a chair inside the dimly lit office. "What is this?" Sirius demanded to know.

     "Just drink it." He told him. Sirius became quiet and drank the potion. The man was intimidating. Surely he was an Auror, and it looks like he's a pretty good one too.

     "What is your name?" The man asked him. The man seemed ready to arrest him at any moment. He was not expecting to hear the right answer.

     "Sirius Orion Black." He answered.

The man fell back in shock. After that he didn't ask anymore questions. The man's jaw dropped.

   "Happy now?" Sirius answered.

   "Very." The man told him.

"Why did you make me do that!?" Sirius asked sternly. Sirius was furious.

   "Because the Sirius Black I knew is dead!" The man shouted back.

"Knew? Who are you!" Sirius asked.

   "Sirius, It's me! Harry!"

   "Haha." Sirus laughed anxiously. "No. No, you're not. Harry is fifteen! You're like- forty!" Sirius freaked out.

   "Sirius!" Harry snapped. "You're a bit off!"

   "What have you done with him? He's not dead is he? Please! Don't let him be dead!" Sirius started to cry.

   "I'M NOT DEAD!" Harry sighed. "Look." Harry lifted the same potion Sirius just drank. Sirius' eyes glanced over the label. He ignored all the fancy words and went straight for what stood out to him.

   "Veritaserum." Sirius read aloud. He watched as he drank the potion. The liquid in the bottle had lowered. He definitely drank it.

   "Ok. What is your name?" asked Sirius nervously.

   "Harry James Potter."

Sirius felt a shiver down his spine. Just like Harry, He didn't ask any further questions.


   "Sirius. It's me." said Harry as he hugged his godfather.

"Please don't tell me you still live with the Dursley's." Sirius asked worried.

"What! No." Harry laughed.

   "Then who do you live with?" Sirius asked.

   "My wife of course." Harry told him.

   Sirius's eyes grew wide with shock as he exclaimed, "Harry James Potter! You are fifteen!" Harry struggled to hold back laughter.

   "You said I looked fourty a minute ago!" Harry began to laugh even harder, "Make up your mind!" This was just too good.

   "Exactly how old are you then?" Sirius asked curiously. This was so strange for him. This surely wasn't a normal occasion, was it?

   "I'm twenty eight." Harry answered. To this Sirius lost his balance a little. Surely not. It couldn't have been that long. There was no way.

   "Oh Harry." Sirius said hugging him tightly, "I didn't realize this much time had passed."

Harry wiped his own tears. This was so much to take it. His godfather, who's death he had so painfully witnessed, was very much alive and standing right in front of him.

   "I think it's best you stay with me. People shouldn't know that Sirius Black came back from the dead just yet." Harry suggested.

"That's my other question. How am I back?" Sirius asked.

"Well" Harry began to explain, "I don't know. You're not the first to return and we still don't know what has been causing this to happen. Now come on. We shouldn't stay here at his moment."

Then the two apparated and they were gone.

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