Chapter one

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"Ok, keep it together Katie." I say to myself as I look out to see the Altean surface. I finish the notes on my arm and I hear the call of the Gilnor. I quickly realized what time it is and I jump and rush out of bed.

"Max!" I yell calling for one of my robots. "Max?! Ma-Oh there you are!" I hear it wheel over and it's gears start to turn. I look at the robot and I notice that's it's rebooted. "Can you do my chores?! I'm late!" I yell quickly run out the door and to my horse. My running is interrupted by me bumping into my brother and father.

"Katie? What are you doing here?" My father asks me I can see the fear behind his eyes.

"You should be in the village little sister." My older brother Matt states.

"I know I am!" I quickly make my way around them. "Remember to take your medicine dad!" I say jumping onto my horse and riding quickly to the village.


"Oh Quiznack, I'm going to be late." I say just getting into the gates. I continue to ride as I remember my brother is going back the palace today. I sigh as I won't see him for a year.

I round the final corner and get to the building. "I'm here!" I yell jumping off my horse. I see my mother have a smirk on her face and she sighs.

"But Mom, I wa-" she interrupts me rather quickly.

"I don't want to hear it. Now let's get you 'dolled up'." She gently pushes me into the building where I'm complete cleaned. While there we're cleaning me, my mom saw the notes on my arm.

"Katie, what's this?"

"Ummmm, notes. In case I mess up something.....?" I say to her hoping she'll by it. She just looks at me as they give me a quick change of clothes. I dry off and throw on the clothes as my mom takes me to another shop.

I growl to myself as I have to get pampered and all 'dolled up," dresses up as if I was a porcelain doll. They quickly tie the bow around my waist making it extremely tight, it's hard to move. Oh how much I hate this but it's tradition. I have to impress the matchmaker and bring a sense of pride to the Holt family. I sigh rather quietly as my mother and the others in the room finish up my hair and makeup.

Suddenly my grandmother busts into the shop. "Katie! My sweet granddaughter!" 

I only smile as I call back to her and she enters the room I'm in. "I've brought you luck!" She says helping me up.

"What did you buy this time?" My mother mumbles.

"A pendent for balance." She slips a ancient object into my dress, "An apple for peace." She pops an apple into my mouth, "Beads of alamint, your beauty." She places the very expensive necklace around my neck. "You don't need much help with that one." She smiles to me and I smile back.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" My mother takes a small box from the counter. "We had this made for you....." she takes out a hair clip but it has an altean blossom with green gems representing leaves. I stare in awe.

"Mom, where did you get that?" I say softly as she places it into my hair.

"Don't you worry about it." She kisses my forehead and I gently hug her.

The bells soon ring and I walk out of the building. I take my green umbrella and walk to the line of girls and follow them to the matchmakers hut. Everyone's family slowly walks behind us as we all get closer. I can feel myself get extremely nervous as we finally reach the hut. As we all open our umbrellas and stand waiting I see other girls are nervous too. As we stand there for what seems like forever but I knew it was only a few minutes. Finally the doors of the hut fly open and the matchmaker steps out.

"Katie Holt." She stated rather bluntly. I look up and smile slightly.

"Here." I say gently.

She sneers softly, "Speaking without permission." She marks notes on her paper.

"Oh no..." I whisper as I walk into the hut.

As I sit she begins to speak, but I'm not paying much attention. Something about being to skinny, and not good for baring sons.

"Now, speak the final admonition."

"Fulfill your duties, calmly and...." I try to look at my arm when I open my fan.
"Um, reflect before you...Act!" She is getting suspicious Katie! "This will bring you honor and pride." I quickly finished.

She grabs my arm rather rough and looks my up and down. "This way." She pulls my to the table. I take a quick look to see if rover is still in the small cage attached to my dress but he's not there.

A small beep gets my attention as I see him under the pillow the matchmaker is sitting on.

"Now, pour makana." She rubs her face and the ink from my notes is now all over her face. I hold back a laugh.

"Rover......" I say softly.

"Be silent!" She yells at me when she takes the tea cup.

I see my precious bit being crushed.

"Look out!" I yell as I jump across the table and push her over and off the pillow.

"Why you little...huh?" She began to sniff.

She pushes me off and jumps up.

"Ahhh!!" She screams as I see that her ass is on fire. I use my fan to try and put if out but it only gets worse.
"Put it out!! Put it out!!" She yells as she busted out the door again. Rover quickly hover back to his cage and I grab the makana pot. I run out and throw the tea onto her, putting the fire out. I give her the makana pot and make my way to my mother. But when I arrived the matchmaker was close on my tail.

"You are a disgrace!!" She throws the makana pot down, shattering it. "You may look like a princess but you will never bring you family honor!!" She yells at me ever louder than before.

There was many whispers as we made our way back to the farm. I sighed as I took off all the makeup and clothes and setting the hair clip on my bedside table. I get my normal attire on and begin to walk around the farm.


I sigh as I sit by the altean blossom tree looking down at my feet mumbling and growling to myself. I was sulking so bad that I didn't see my dad walking up and sitting next to me.

"The blossoms a very beautiful this year." He states looking at me.

I slowly bring myself to look at him as he continues, "oh look, that one is late. Hmm, I believe that one will be the most beautiful and important of them all." He say brushing the hair out of my face. I smile slightly as he hugs me gently.

"Come, mother made dinner." He says standing as I join him. I link arms with him and we all back to the house.

Katie   (Voltron Mulan AU)Where stories live. Discover now