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Author's Note: Hello dear readers! Welcome to my very first book! I'm an amateur at writing so forgive me on any spelling mistakes in the story! I hope you all enjoy my book and please do not steal!

<3 you all!

- lonely kitti

Arden White

The 17 year old half ghost, half human warrior was walking to school with ghost cat on her shoulder.

Arden had left the ghost dimension centuries ago, wanting to go on her own adventures and also learning about the humans.

She went to YellowStone High and was a straight A student.

She had short black hair and grey eyes. Like all ghosts, eye color was always pale and-well-dull. After ghosts were kind of dead.

She didn't really make any interactions with humans all the girls seemed to care was makeup and boys and boys seemed to care about breasts, butts, certain inappropriate magazines, etc.

Yet Arden always had an adventurous spirit. She fell in love with anime and Harry Potter, and other many interesting books.

"Meow, did you do your homework Arden?" The cat purred.

"Yeah, yeah, I did, mom." Arden said telepathically.

Ghosts communicated through the mind when there were important matters to be discussed.

Arden learned that hard way that, when bringing your ghost cat to school, you shouldn't talk to it verbally. To others you look insane.

But what was wrong with that?

"Ada girl!" Milan purred.

Arden sighed, rolling her eyes as she walked into her school.

She walked in between the crowds and made it to her locker. She opened it and grabbed a few books for some classes.

That's when her watch started glowing. Her eyes widened in shock.

A message from the ghost dimension?

The watch was a special watch that was used to communicate with ghost that were in the human world. Arden slammed her locker shut and sprinted towards the bathroom.

She just to make sure no one over heard their conversation, she went ghost.

She flipped up her watch and said,

"Arden White, what's the emergency?" She said in a professional voice.

"Warrior Arden, we suspect that there may be a ghost in the human dimension." Garret Star said.

He was the queen and king's most trusted assistant.

"What!?" Arden exclaimed.

"We also think that he has royal blood flowing within him."

Milan purred.

"No way! So what does this have to do with me?" Arden asked.

"Your mission is to keep watch over him and find out if he really is a ghost. If so, bring him here."

"Okay, but, who is he..?" Arden asked now curious.

"I cannot believe this." Arden whined.

She was in English class and she couldn't focus at all. Was the ghost dimension going insane?!

Milan jumped down onto her desk and stretched herself out.

Her eyes wondered over to her target of her mission.

Aaron Thorn.

He was the most popular kid in the school, also the sexiest and the most arrogant man a person you'd ever meet.

How was she supposed to just go up to this guy and say that he might be another dimension's next heir to the throne..?

The bell rung and everyone gathered all of their stuff. She was happy that the day was over.

She quickly shoved her textbooks into her bag and rushed outside only to be stopped by her teacher.

"Miss White." A stern voice said from behind her.

"Y-yes Mr. Wells?" She asked covering her watch.

"I've noticed that your grades...."

Arden tried to focus on his words but her attention was diverted over to Aaron.

He walked out of the classroom with his friends.

"Milan, follow him." She said.

Milan purred and did what she was told.

"So have you thought about gifted?"

"Ugh yes! Oh! I'm sorry, that must be my mom calling me. I have to go bye." Arden lied. She ran outside and went ghost flying all the way to her home.

She put on comfy clothes, a sweater, and combat boots along with her ghost/human weapons.

She walked outside her home and contacted Milan.

"Milan, where is he?"

"Meow," She purred. "He's at the cemetery, and is alone."

"Thanks Milan. Stay put. If he leaves, tell me immediately."

Arden flew through the sky on her way to the cemetery with a grin on her face.

Things were about to get started..


A deep chuckle echoed off the walls of a secret laboratory as someone watched the girl fly off into the sky.

"Looks like I just found my next target."

"She will be mine."

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