Chapter 5: Explainations

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"Well," I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Where do you want me to start?"

"The beginning of it all" He said softly. The look on his face held emotion, and it showed that he really did care.

"It started in year 8, My parents divorced, I hated people. I dreaded waking up in the morning and joining reality. I never wanted to get out of bed in the morning. I felt as if I weren't presentable to the world. My clothes were wrinkled, my hair was a mess, my eyes always had bags, because of the nightmares they caused. They always used that against me. But looking nice was the last thing on my mind. I was harassed day and night, online and in person, verbally and mentally. It felt like it was me against the world because I thought there was no one on my side." I started to tear up. "To fight another day in that hell, I called my life, I took a razor to arm and cut. Watching in fascination as blood ran down my arms, on my hand, to my fingers and drip off their tips. At first I tried to hide my scars. But then I didn't. No one noticed. Because no one cared. I would always wonder if people would care if I died. My grades were at an all time low, but my morals were even lower. I was just trying to make it through the day. I remember every insult that came out of their mouths. I wish those words were gone. Erased from my brain. Everyone of their twisted words managed to stay burned into my mind." I sighed.

"You can never fake true happiness. It's like walking on broken glass. After a while, you break down." The tears streamed down my face once more.

"This whole One Direction fixation, was a distraction for me. Something to keep my mind of school, my parents divorce, and all the harassment.  I'm not saying I don't love you guys, because I do, I really do. But I'm not obsessed or anything, you guys just make me happy." I half smile towards the end.

"Do you want to know what one of the worst parts about everything was?" I said, my voice cracking. "All those people, the ones who harassed me, tormented me, were all suppose to be my friends. They were suppose to be their for me, defend me. Instead they all stood back and watched me break piece by piece." I was full on crying now.

Niall's P.O.V

"Do you want to know what one of the worst parts about everything was?" Clara said, her voice cracking. "All those people, the ones who harassed me, tormented me, were all suppose to be my friends. They were suppose to be their for me, defend me. Instead they all stood back and watched me break piece by piece." She was crying a lot more than before.

I didn't say anything. I just wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. It was a very meaningful hug, she continued to cry into my chest, and my eyes  began glassy, but I continued to tell myself 'I need to be strong, for Clara.'

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. It'll be okay, I'm here, I'll protect you." I said softly.

I don't know how I'll protect her, I know it will be hard for me to be their for her when I'm touring around the world, but I will try my best. I sound like I'm her boyfriend, but I wouldn't mind. The thing is, we hardly know each other, but I feel a connection between us, something I've never felt with anyone.

And I'm almost certain it's love.

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