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"I sometimes think that time can be considered a non-newtonian fluid. Moving so swiftly and correct when taken slow. But when rushed and hit, solidifies into a brick wall right in front of your eyes."
- Bridget Black

"Gema officially transferred. Relocating embryo to test tube."
Both phrases sent a happy, excited, and nervous ripple through the crowd behind the glass. Genetic engineering mechanic alteration or G.E.M.A was a life changer in he genetic science field, it also was Bridget Black's life goal.
"Mrs.Black," quivered the nervous, new college student assistant. "Embryo 2cbz has started to divide and begin the fetus stage.
"Perfect, that's two just this week by February we should have expectant mothers with G.E.M.A activated."
A piercing blare cut through the happy mood instantly transforming it to panic. Scientists, doctors, and government officials rushed to different exits only to be meet with more people trying to get out of the building.

    "Grab as many canteens as you can, we can not allow them to control G.E.M.A. especially the twins." As gun shots rang out, people dropped to the floor, and a cacophony of screams filled the lab Bright Black and General McMillan were making their way to the secret back entrance of the building to escape.
Bridget Black was the first to get out with her arms full of equipment and one, twin embryo. Assuming that another person will grab the other half of her biggest experiment she left quickly. As she was sufficiently guided 15 feet away from the chaotic building it was demolished.
    All of her work, gone, everything shattered, burnt, or too small to fix.
The one thing that she did have was embryo 2cbz, but with 1cbz inside the now smoking building, destroyed, it was useless.

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