Football Monkeys, Cheerwhores, and Then Theres Me. CH1

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Okay so new story idea. Here is the first chapter, I'm not sure if its a keeper so you be the judge.

Please please coment?! It would seriously help me out.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 1

Before I go on, I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Allison Ryder but I go by Ally. I am 18 years old. I have straight chocolate brown hair that stops an inch past my shoulders, hazel eyes; they sometimes look gold. I'm very slim, I have some curves (so I'm not shaped like a board) and I stand at 5 foot 7. I have a 3-year-old sister and my parents are divorced. I'm a senior at Side Bay Secondary, the worst school ever, and I'm not exaggerating, you'll understand.

My parents got divorced five years ago. I was twelve and it was about a month before my thirteenth birthday. It was a mutual agreement between them; they weren't in love anymore. Which I found stupid, but kept the opinion to myself.

My mother wasted no time getting back into the dating world, she went out a lot; most of the time it was three dates a week, I'm not sure if it was the same guy or a different one every night; she never brought them home and I was grateful. She met Tom Ashton a year later and they married 7 months later. He's a good guy I guess, I've known him for four years and I haven't seen his bad side yet. He has a son who is 16 but he lives with his mom, I met him once and that was at the wedding. He hasn't met Libby, our sister; we've sent pictures though, I thought it was kind of weird, you know for his mom, getting pictures of your ex husbands new daughter, but again, my opinions go unspoken.

After the divorce, I didn't see my dad 'til my birthday. I decided against a party, just wanted to spend some time with him. He took me to a baseball game, we use to watch baseball together all the time, it was like our thing. As I got older, I lost interest, but if dad had, tickets and wanted me to go with him I would. We always had fun watching it. My dad hasn't remarried, he has dated a couple of women. Three weeks ago I met the last one, she was nice, his age (huge plus; at least he isn't dating women closer to my age). I even met her son, he's twenty, a pretty sweet guy; he is gorgeous and he's dating a whore, my misfortune, she was around at the time we had all got together. I'm not sure why my dad and Sandra broke up though, she seemed perfect. My dad moved to California last June and I spent the summer there with him. I haven't seen him since I left after the summer break was over.

Libby is really sweet. She is starting to talk a lot. I babysit her all the time so we're always together. She adores me and I her. She doesn't know about my dad or her brother, she thinks her dad is my dad too. I don't call him dad, nor do I intend to. I just don't call him Tom in front of her. The only time I call him daddy is so she knows whom I'm talking about like when I said, "Libby go tell daddy we're going to the park." I wasn't going to tell her to tell Tom, she'd be confused and be like who the hell is Tom? I asked Tom if he was going to introduce Libby to his son, Matt, he told me that he was going to try to convince Matt to stay here for the summer. I doubt that's going to happen. I met Matt when he was 12 and he was still upset about the divorce and pissed about the wedding. I understood, so when he was kind of a jerk to me I just ignored it.

Side Bay Secondary. What can I say? The principal is a sick prick. He's the kind of guy you see in movies, you know like the school coaches? The ones that will do anything to keep his star player on the team. Like get the school's top nerd to give him answers to a test, instead of asking him to tutor the Star Monkey. Our school coach shares that with our principal, in fact they're brothers. I think it runs through their veins. Sports are the only thing our school cares about oh and the Cheerwhores, can't forget them. You know how most schools hand out awards for academic achievements and some sports awards? Well our school only hands out MVP awards and scholarships for football players, some basketball. I have only been to one football game, and it was because my best friend Monica forced me to go. She is the school's sports journalist. I am kind of like an assistant to the team (unwillingly). My job is like water girl- with more chores. Like if a player gets hurt, I somehow have to get him to the nurse or sometimes I clean him up myself. The job isn't pretty and it never ends. I'm also the only girl allowed in the boys locker room. Lucky me.

Two days ago, something went wrong with my car so it's being looked at. I have to catch a ride with Monica 'til it's fixed.

I walked downstairs, wearing black skinnies, a red tube top, red converse and my favourite black leather jacket. Monica was waiting in her car parked in front of my suburban house, honking like a maniac for me to hurry up.

"Okay, okay enough with the honking. I'm here."

"Well you should have been down here ten minutes ago." Monica said as she sped down my street to school.

I changed the radio station she was listening to; fruity country music. I heard a song by Boys Like Girls come up and I turned to volume louder, only to have it brought back down to Monica's preferred volume. She's a buzz kill.

"What are you wearing Ally?"

I looked down at my outfit, "Clothes?" I answered, raising an eyebrow.

"I see that. I meant you aren't wearing school colours today. Major game today."

I looked over and took in what she was wearing, Side Bay football jersey tide up tight to hug her curves, gold basketball shorts and blue converse low tops. Her sunny, blonde bob containing blue streaks. In my opinion, I wanted to barf. It's not that she looked ugly, it's the fact that she went all out to support the Football Monkeys, her blue eyes just topped it off. I looked away quickly. I'm sure I would have made some damage to her precious jeep if I hadn't.

Honestly, knowing how much I despise my principal, the coach, my "job," pretty much all sport apes and the cheerwhores; could you picture ME in what Monica is wearing. No, I didn't think so.

"Monica, really did you think I was going to dress up like that?"

She pouted, "Do I look ugly?"

"No, just freakish."

She playfully glared at me and then we both laughed. "If it wasn't for the fact that it's Spirit Day and that Principal Markson is going to be pissed, I'd say you look damn hot today."

I smirked. I know, I look good. I'm not really conceited, I just hear it all the time; a lot of guys think I'm hot, even the Sports Monkeys. I'm just not like a Cheerwhore. When I say Cheerwhore, I don't mean to sound like a bitter bitch, I know not all cheerleaders are whores, but Cheerwhore only applies to my schools cheerleaders. So far three of them have gotten pregnant- that I know of, worst part? They all got abortions, some their idea's others, pressured by Coach or Principal Markson. Sick Pricks right?

We pulled up in the student parking lot. Everyone, and I mean freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors and teachers all dressed in blue and gold. I groaned and Monica smirked, "You're going to stick out like a lacey thong in a pile of granny panties." I stuck out my tongue at her and stepped out of the car.

All eyes turned to us, then just at me. Principal Markson was red in the face, looking like he may burst a blood vessel. He lifted his arm, pointed at me, then the building and then started toward it. Meaning: Follow me to my office in the Fiery Pits of Hell.

Class hasn't even started yet and I've already had an accomplished morning. I hugged Monica, told her I'd catch up with her later and headed into the building.


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should I continue?

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-- slcemo

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