Football Monkeys, Cheerwhores and Then Me. Ch3

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Chapter 3

It's been a week, and Damien hasn't left me alone since that day in the locker room. Every day he's been calling me something like, Locker room Cinderella or Cleaning lady. It's fucking irritating and it gets worse every day. I punched him in the nose on Thursday, but that still didn't stop him and I got detention for hurting a star player. Surprise, surprise.

Good god I hate him.

It's Saturday and my mom and Tom went away this weekend so, I'm stuck watching Libby. She had me colour with her for two hours before she got bored. She napped for about an hour and a half and once she woke up, she wanted to bake a chocolate cake.

The cake thing didn't go that well, Libby practically ate the whole thing before it made it to the oven.

"Ally, can we go to the park?"

"Must we?"

"Yes, yes, we must, we must!" She said as she jumped up and down. Cake batter + three-year-old= BAD. She was already standing at the door with her shoes on before I could answer.

I grabbed my cell phone and keys and met the energizer bunny at the door. As soon as we got to the park, Libby ran straight to the sand box. "Ally! Ally! Come help me make a sandy castle."

I reluctantly made my way over to her and sat in the sand box. She started to make a large sand mountain, "Ally, can you dig a tunnel? I want to put water in it."

Quietly we worked. She made mountains, which were supposed to be castles and I worked around them to make some kind of mote. "I'm going to go get some water for the tunnel." She told me and ran off.

As I continued my tunnel, I saw someone's shadow cast over me. I looked to the left of me and saw a pair of worn out black and white Sk8-Hi Vans, my eyes traveled up a very tall male body and came to rest on Damien Gaye's annoyingly gorgeous face. He was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a plain white t-shirt. Simple, though I hate to admit it he looked perfect. Of course, he was smirking; having a chance at irritating me on what SHOULD be a Damien-free-weekend.

I rolled my eyes and tired my best to ignore him. Clearly he isn't very bright; as I discreetly turned away from him he parked his ass next to me in the sand box. "Hey! Who knew I'd catch you here?" he said smugly.

"Didn't you already learn your lesson?" I asked, "I almost break your nose and you still talk to me?"

"Yeah that wasn't very nice." He pouted.

"Well neither was getting detention, thank you very much."

He chuckled, "You should be used to it." He nudged me in the shoulder.

Unfortunately, I am used to it. I have my own desk in the detention room. There's a sign on the desk with my name written on it. I'm practically there every day after school. You can't honestly blame me when I've had to deal with this idiot.

"Why are you here? Are you a pedophile? You like to touch little kids?" I said loudly. Parents looked over at us and stared in horror at Damien, some mothers picked up their children and ran out of the park faster than a track star, others glared at him. I burst out laughing as Damien's face began to resemble a tomato. He glared at me and it only made me laugh harder. It pissed him off more and he push me into one of Libby's castle things. "HEY! You stupid meany, you broke my castle!" Libby yelled as she ran over to the sand box. Yeah, the mountain is more important than me, thanks sis.

Damien blushed a little, "Sorry Sweetie." He apologized. To her.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I brushed the sand off myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2010 ⏰

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