Football Monkeys, Cheerwhores, and Then Me. Ch2

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Football Monkeys, Cheerwhores, and Then Me.

Chapter 2

I stomped out of the Prick's office, making sure I slammed the door for an extra dramatic effect. According to the "rules of Side Bay Secondary" every spirit day, all students must at least wear school colours. And of course I am not being sucked into the pit of unoriginality and have chosen to boycott spirit day.

I told Principal Markson that, but it didn't go well. Every day for two long horrible weeks, I have to wash all the football uniforms. One week for "breaking rules," and one for my big mouth. Anyone wanna trade lives?

His little lecture took an hour, so I missed first period. But I'm not complaining. I went to my locker to get my English binder for second period. It was still empty in the hall because class would only be ending in ten minutes.

When I had everything I headed to my English class as the halls started filling up. I took my seat in the back of the class. Best seat in the house. Monica walked in with Lana (a close friend, also a hater of the Cheerwhores, so we love her.)and they took a seat on either side of me.

"Morning, Miss. Rebel!" Chuckled Lana.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled in response.

"So, what did Markson do?" Monica asked.

"I have to wash all the Football Monkeys uniforms, for two weeks." I sighed.

They burst out laughing, great support group.

"That is genius! It's like he knew it would probably kill you."

"Yeah, I have to hand it to him."

"You guys suck. Really, if you don't shut up, I'm going to stick their dirty jock straps in your mouths."

"That's disgusting Als!"

I shrugged, "You're asking for it."

The late bell rang and the teacher walked in. Ms. Hart had planned for us to watch a movie. So that could only mean one thing, nap time! I took out my iPod and laid my head on my arms.

Eighty minutes later, Monica was pulling out my earphones and shaking my awake. I grumbled and yawned, she rolled her eyes and walked out of the class with Lana. I put my iPod in my pocket grabbed my stuff and went to my locker to get my math books for third period.

I hate math. I'm not bad at it but its still annoying, especially my teacher. Mrs. Kines, is 34, but really looks like she's in her mid 50's, she just got married two years ago, and she likes to tell us how she and her husband are trying to get pregnant. Info that I really wish could have been kept private. One time when we were going to use the overhead projector, she was plugging it in and her bracelet got caught and she got electrocuted. She got roasted. The class smelled the BBQ for two days. I know it's not funny, but it was pretty funny.

I stepped into the class just as the late bell rang. We have assigned seating (another thing I don't like about her) and she likes to keep an eye on me because I'm a "trouble maker," so I get the pleasure of sitting at the front.

Math was finally over, and it was lunchtime. I was listening to my iPod as I was doing my math work in class and Mrs. Kines so rudely took it and sent it to the office. Now after school I have to go see my FAVOURITE principal to get it back.

I went to the caf and bought pizza and a coke and went outside to sit under the shady tree Monica, Lana, Tavin and I sat usually sit under every day. As expected they were all there waiting for moi.

I sat down next to Tavin and hugged him. Tavin is my gay lover. Just kidding, he is Lana's very gay twin brother. I freaking love him to death. There is only one, okay maybe two things that are wrong with him. First, he practically loves spirit day. So gross, he looks worse than Monica does today. Second, he has the BIGGEST crush on the football captain. If I didn't love Tavin so much, I'd smack him and flush his little Damien shrine down the toilet.

"Allison, what on earth are you wearing?" Tavin gasped.

I rolled my eyes and huffed, "I'm wearing my Anti-Spirit Day Outfit!"

He shook his head at me, "I am very disappointed in you Ally." He pouted.

"You act like this is the first time."

He chuckled and stole a bite of my pizza. "Hey buddy, I didn't hear anyone offer you a bite."

He pouted, "But I thought you loved me."

I shrugged, "Things change."

He gasped and I playfully pushed him. He pushed me back and I returned it and then we were practically wrestling until Lana jumped on my back, "Hey leave my brother alone you big bully!" we laughed and then Monica joined by jumping on Lana's back.

"Dog pile on Ally!" Tavin yelled and jumped on all three of us.

"Losing feeling!" I yelled.

The warning bell rang and they freed me. They ran to the building to get their stuff from their lockers, leaving me on the ground trying to regain my breathing.

Once I was breathing normal, I ran to my locker for my Art stuff.

It is now after school and everyone is watching the great football game. I would be at home, if it weren't for the fact that I had to clean up after the Football Monkeys. I chose not to sit with my friends; instead, I was lying across a bleacher all the way at the top. I was spread out so that no one could sit next to me. My Blackberry being my only entertainment.

The game ended with Side Bay celebrating in Victory. Coach and Principal Markson were dancing on the field. If it weren't for the fact that I'd end up in jail, I'd run them over with my car. Once Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb were done making a fool of themselves they called me over and told me to help in the locker room.

What do they want me to do, bathe the idiots myself? Instead, I waited in the hall outside of the locker room. After about twenty minutes, the guys started walking out and leaving. When I was sure they were all gone, I got up and went in.

They left the towels everywhere; their jock straps hanging off the lockers. Pigs. They did this on purpose. Carefully, I started picking up after them.

"Well, well, who do we have here?"

I jumped in surprise and turned to see Damien the captain smirking at me. He was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts, his toned body still wet from his shower.

"Damien Gaye." He introduced himself and put out his hand for me to shake. As if I don't know who this idiot is. God he is excessively cocky. I decided to bring him down a notch and play along.

"Allison, straight." I smirked and shook his hand.

He had a confused look on his face, "Isn't your last name Ryder?"

I smirked again. "Yeah."

"Then why did you just tell me it was Straight?"

"I didn't. You told me your orientation and I told you mine. A little blunt but-"

"Wait! What the fuck, I'm not gay!"

I laughed, "Whatever you say."

"I'm not. I like women. Lots and lots of women." He growled.

"Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night." I laughed one last time before I continued cleaning.

I heard Damien huff and I felt something hit my head. I pulled it off and saw that it was a dirty jock strap. I yelped and flung it across the room. "Ah! That's disgusting!" I turned to look at Damien, who smirked and said, "Have fun Cleaning Lady!" and then walked out of the locker room.

"Asshole." I mumbled and continued what I was doing.


Well there's chapter 2

Hope you liked it.

I apologize if there are any mistakes!

Vote and Comment!

-slcemo :D

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