Chapter 1

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Val's Pov: Laurie and I finished rehearsing our 24 hour fusion dance and now we were waiting for Mak's to get here for our encore samba rehearsal , And to be honest Laurie didn't look good , I was about to ask her if she was okay but Mak's walked in the studio door with a bag of food.

" Hey ,I am here , I know I am late but I decided to pick up some food on the way" Maks said as he handed me the bag

Maks and I looked towards Laurie, who was laying on her back with a hand on her stomach

" Bro , she doesn't look good" Maks told me

" I know but , I know that if I try to cancel practice and take her home she will be stubborn and say she will not go home until the routine is practically perfect" I tell him as a smile crosses my face

" yall are a perfect match, you are stubborn and she can be stubborn, but if she almost faints we are going to take her back to our apartment and keep an eye on her" he tells me

With that we start rehearsing and after about 10 minutes of running through the routine it is practically perfect and Mak's and I can't find anything wrong with it.

Mak's Pov: We decided to go through the routine one more time, we were halfway through the routine when Laurie stopped.

" I have something to tell you guys " She tells us with a serious tone in her voice

" Laurie , babe what is going on" Val asks Laurie

Instead of saying something she takes Val's hand and puts it on her stomach as she says " I am 6 weeks pregnant"

" am I the father? " Val asks her as a smile crosses his face

In response she nods her head, after she says that Val is the baby's father he pulls her into a hug after about 15 seconds they pull and Val kneels down and kisses her almost non- existent baby bump.

Soon I put my arm around Laurie's waist and put my hand over Val's hand that Was is currently resting on her stomach

" Hey baby , it is your Uncle Maks , your daddy and I just found out about you and we couldn't be any happier" I say as I rub her almost non-existent baby bump

Laurie's Pov: Telling maks and Val that I am pregnant was like a weight lifted off of my chest, my parents already knew about the pregnancy and when I told them they were unbelievably happy about the baby


Right now we are waiting to see who took first because we already knew that Calvin and Lindsay took 3rd

" The new winners and champions of dancing with the stars season 23 are ................... LAURIE AND VAL !!!!!!" Tom announced and the crowd went crazy and soon we were surrounded by the other contestants


Val's Pov: I can't believe it I found out just last night that my girlfriend / partner is pregnant and that I am the baby's father and we won dancing with the stars

Right now we are on the plane and everyone but Mak's and I is asleep so I decided to get up and go talk to him

" Hey Bro" I say when I sit down in the seat next to him

" Hey Bro , don't take this the wrong way but why are you not asleep cuddling with your pregnant girlfriend" He asked me

" I wanted your blessing because I want to propose to Laurie and I have mama and papa's blessing and I have her families blessing and I have grandma's blessing, but I want yours and I need help " I tell him

" You have my blessing because I don't want you with anyone but Laurie" he tells me and we hug after about 5 seconds of hugging I explain how I want to do it

" Bro do you have the ring" he asks me me with curiosity present in his voice

" Yes I have a ring but Tony is going to give it to me at GMA " I tell him as I show him a picture of the ring

" Bro, that ring is gorgeous" he tells me


Everyone danced a dance that they did this season but now it time for Laurie and I to dance but the producers and the hosts knew of my plan to propose to Laurie

" Val , you know we always thought that you could host , so how about you try hosting" George tells me as hands me the microphone

" Laurie, my has changed so much in the last three months but especially in the last 24 hours , I love you Laurie and I don't want to find out what life would be like without you because trust me it would be hell , I want to spend the rest of our lives side by side doing this together" I say as I grab her hand and get down on one knee and pull out the ring " Laurie Hernandez will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me" I say and from the corner of my eyes I see our families and the contestants with huge smiles on their faces

" Yes " I hear her say as she wipes away the tears

I slide the ring into place on her finger and stand up wrapping her in my arms

They play the music Laurie and I slow dance and kiss and we hear a round of awe's go around the room

" Congratulations son , now we invited her family over for thanksgiving dinner" papa tells me as we watch Laurie and mama have a conversation


" Everyone, Laurie and I have an announcement to make ... We are going to be parents in a couple of months, we are having a baby" I tell them as I place my hand on Laurie's stomach

Soon Laurie was being dragged into the living room by the women who were discussing birthing plans and baby names

While the guys congratulated me on the engagement and baby Chmerkovskiy

Honestly my life couldn't get any better, the only way that it could better is when Laurie and I are called husband and wife.

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