Chapter six

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Harry looked at her sceptically. His body was slouched slightly out of habit and when she stepped towards him he flinched away slightly. She tilted her head slightly and furrowed her brows but said nothing on the matter. 

"May I come in?" She asked Harry politely. Harry shook his head no. There was no way Petunia or Vernon would let her in. He stepped forward, about to close the door but she spoke first. "Why not? I need to speak with you, Mr Potter."

"You can't come in, Miss. I'm afraid you shan't be allowed." Said Harry in a small voice. Harry shut the door on her face, a feeling of sadness washing over him. He walked away, and McGonigal left, not being able to do anything about the rejection of the offer of the school. 

It looked like Harry wouldn't be going to Hogwarts after all.


Albus Dumbledore would be having none of it when Minerva told him Harry Potter would not be coming to Hogwarts. He needed to scare Harry into coming to Hogwarts, to force him even. He apparated to privet drive as he had only just recently and knocked on the door. Harry Potter answered the door and looked up to Albus' face. 

Quickly the boy's face fell and his eyes went wide. He seemed to start sweating and he took a step back and tripped and fell backwards. 

"Hello, Harry. Where is your family?" Albus asked with a sick smile plastered on his wrinkled lips. His eyes shone with delight despite the newly formed blood that stained Harry's shirt. Harry tried to form the words to respond but all that came was a small squeak. 

Albus rolled his eyes slightly and walked into the house. He did a location charm but it turned out that Harry was the only person here. Perfect. Albus pointed his want towards Harry's chest and smiled sadistically. 

"We need you, Potter," Albus told Harry in a patronising voice. "Come to Hogwarts."

Harry shook his head knowing that he wouldn't be allowed to go to Hogwarts. He was a freak and he knew it. This was proof of it. His uncle would beat him if he so much as uttered about going to Hogwarts. So he wouldn't. He'd refuse. 

"Fine. Then I'll make you." Albus used a spell to lock the front door so that not even a key could open it and put a privacy charm on the door so that nobody could hear what was going on then re-aimed his wand at Harry. "Crucio."

Pain beyond belief began flooding through Harry, a pain not even he had felt in his many years of abuse. He felt the scream as well as heard it, wriggling on the floor lamely as the scream got louder and louder.

Albus showed no mercy, continuing to let the spell wash over the eleven-year-old boy. He was helpless- nobody could help him now, not that anybody would. Harry felt hot tears fall from his face as he attempted to escape his certain fate. 

"Please! Stop! I can't go! They won't-!" Harry stopped as Albus kicked him in the face with his boot, the cruciate's curse still on at the same time. Blood began pouring out of his nose and mouth. Silence. 

Be quiet, otherwise it'll only be worse.

Harry lay still and quietly under the spell and it took all his effort to do so. Albus tried to up his game so that he would be able to persuade Harry to come to Hogwarts this way. But in the end, he knew it wouldn't work. 

"I'll tell your aunt and uncle you'll be going," Albus said sternly. He ended the spell leaving Harry sprawled out on the floor. Harry noticed everything going blurry even for his bad sight and the whole world faded to black. 


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