Too Late

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The order rang out like a gunshot

She was powerless to stop them

Even with all the weight her name held she could not stop the blows that fell along her beloved's back

She could try though, just as he had for her

They had met one night by accident

He on the way back from a beating

She returning from a cold glare and hateful words

She had stumbled coming up the stairs

They were far to polished to be safe and her tears definitely didn't help

He was the one that caught her

Even though it caused him pain he saved her

It was time for her to do the same

She shoved past the guards that held her back and ran to his bleeding broken from

He wasn't supposed to look like this.....

The first time she had seen him healthy was when Leo had taken her out on a ride

They were supposed to be talking but she was more just nodding at intervals and relishing the fresh air on her face

It was then she saw him

Swinging down with an axe that gleamed in the day dew mist

He had his shirt off

Revealing his tanned back for all to see

His indigo eyes solely focused on the task at hand

He didn't notice her staring

She noticed him though

The muscle

The power

The scars

He had gathered new ones since that day

She loved them all

They were a part of him

And he was a part of her

That's why he couldn't leave

He just couldn't

They knew they couldn't be together

But that didn't stop the notes slid under doors

The flutter of a hand in the hall

The knowing smile of a certain maid

The hushed giggles

Gentle kisses

Promises made with love

He had promised

He had promised to never leave her

So why did it look like he was fading

She couldn't keep her head up anymore

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