Why Hufflepuff is the BEST Hogwarts House

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1. Okay so the Hufflepuff emblematic animal is the badger. But badgers are cool. They're nocturnal and they're mega fast diggers.

2. Hufflepuffs are hard workers.The Sorting Hat songs goes: "For Hufflepuff, hard workers were/ Most worthy of admission." Beat that!

3.  Hufflepuffs are super loyal.

4. Only last year Rowling herself praised her daughter for saying that everyone should want to be a Hufflepuff.

5. In the final book, when the students have a choice about whether or not to fight in the Battle of Hogwarts - ALL THE HUFFLEPUFFS STAYED! LETS GO HUFFLEPUFFS!! 

6. They didn't want to show off in combat & they weren't being reckless - that's the essence of Hufflepuff.

7. Hufflepuff has: Cedric Diggory! Pretty smart dude :)

8.  He was selected for the Hogwarts Triwizard Tournament! Whoop whoop!

9. Even though he was murdered by Peter Pettigrew with the Killing Curse, Cedric's spirit reappeared during Harry's duel with Voldemort and he helped Harry escape.

10. Hufflepuff also has Tonks! AWWW YEAAAA!!! 

11. Not only is she a metamorphic half-witch. She also gave birth to Teddy and fought the dark lord. Did Harry ever give birth? No! Beat that Harry!

12. Hufflepuff has the most chilled out house ghost called Fat Friar & he's a pretty jolly man

13. Hufflepuff produces the fewest dark wizards! Even Gryffindor, the house of "good people" had a few bad apples, like Wormtail who betrayed his best friend to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Not cool bro!

14. Founder of the all-wizarding village Hogsmeade = a Hufflepuff. I'll drink a butter beer to that!

15. Also there's Ernie Macmillan, the Hufflepuff who saved Harry's life in Deathly Hallows (they conveniently left that out of the film)

16. Ernie, along with Luna Lovegood and Seamus Finnigan, came to the aid of Harry, Hermione, and Ron by using their Patronuses to drive off a group of Dementors. Ernie's took the form of a boar.

17. Hufflepuffs take in anyone who is rejected by the other Houses. While the other founders only took in those they wanted, good old Helga Hufflepuff took everybody under her wing. So fellow Hufflepuffers, keep huffling that puff. WE RULE!

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