Tougher than We

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Nina's Pov

    As my shift comes to an end I clean up my last few tables then gather my things. I pull out my phone to see it's 10:09pm. Quickly I text James.

To: James😍🤓
Hey my shift is over wya?

    I sit on the curb infront of the diner angry as hell. It's 12:56 and I have no ride home because James bailed. All my co-workers had lame excuses not to give me a ride and the diner closed at 10. This gives me no choice but to walk. Sissy is working late, Jade is sleeping, and James is an asshole. I stand up and start walking the direction to my house.

            Walking along the curb because the few street lights is the only thing keeping it from being pitch black. As I walk along the vacant rode I start to feel the sensation that I'm being watched. I slow down and look behind me to see none other than the car belonging to Luke.
          I start to speed up as he pulls up and rolls down the window. His car slows to the pace I'm walking. Still upset about James I refuse to look into the car. I continue straight starting to sweat as the hot summer night heat strikes me.

"Alina." Luke's voice calls to me. Not stopping I continue."Why the hell are you walking home at 1:23 in the morning?!!" He half yells stopping his car and getting out.

"Why are you driving around at 1:23 in the morning?" I retort rudely stopping and turning towards him. Quickly he walks around to me and grabs my wrist. I snatch away from his grip yet he doesn't try to catch me."Answer my question, or I'm going nowhere with you." I snap angrily starting to assume he did something to James.

"I was coming from a party." He answered clenching his jaw."I wasn't having fun so I left."

"Hm. Where are you planning on taking me? I'd prefer to go home." I acceptingly take his excuse.

"I kinda want to take you somewhere that I go when I want no one to find me."he mumbles looking at his feet and leaning against his navy blue jeep.

"Luke I-" I start but quickly get interrupted.

"Please say yes. I never get the chance to see you anymore Nina. I've done some pretty fucked up shit." He says getting off the car and taking his hands out the pockets of his grey hoodie.

"Luke I can't. You don't understand that I'm not yours like I used to be." I explain with my heart growing heavy.

"Lemme show you I'm different. Let me make it up to you. I know that your not mine. Just let me get closure." He begged with his hands now holding mine.

"Fine. But I'm not staying the whole night." I agree finally breaking in and I get in the car door that was opened for me.
        I stare out the window as Luke drives down a rode and turns into a path going into the woods. We sit in silence and I pay attention to the scene outside the window. The car  stops and we both get out at the same time.

"Luke. Why are we in the woods?" I ask closing the car door. As he walks around the car to me my left hand races into my jacket pocket where my pocket knife is. Before I can pull it out he gently grabs my right hand.

"We have to hike a bit. I've kept this place as secret as possible." He smiles causing deep dimples to appear on his freckled cheeks. He genuinely seems to be making an effort. Why am I keeping my guard up? I loosen my grip on the knife and leave it in my pocket.

"Y-yeah sure." I stutter shaking my head. Then let a faint unsure smile appear on my lips.

     Letting go of my hand he jumps over a fallen tree and reaches over to help me. I climb over the tree and we start walking in the dark forest. Jumping over multiple rocks, sticks and fallen trees.
      After what seemed like an eternity of walking he finally turns towards me and a huge smile played on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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