Chapter 2

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Author's Note: I just realized a huge chunk of this story is missing.. my apologies to anyone who was reading and got immensely confused. I'm going to add it right now to fix everything to where it can at least be understood. Again, my apologies to all of you.


"Class, I'd like you to choose a topic by the end of the week. Some things have changed so you will only have two months to write your story. Also, I forgot to mention it must be at least 40 pages long." Ms. Glineki was much too cheerful. She apparently hasn't realized that she now has to read and grade 320 pages of various stories now.

"Miss Glineki?" I raised my hand.

"Yes, Miss Hyland?" Her voice did not sound as cheerful anymore. She must have now realized she has to read and grade 320 pages.

"Umm.. N.. Can I go pee?" I asked.

"Can you go pee? Miss Hyland, I'm sure you can, but you cannot go during my class." She turned back around to the board.

"What were you going to say?" Johnathan whispered.

"I was going to tell her that since she decided on so many pages, the only person who gets screwed over is her. She has to read and grade 320 pages of stories now." I whispered back.

"Miss Hyland and Mister Morrison, you can chat outside of class. Class is in session so unless this is a ground-breaking discovery, I do not want you speaking." Someone is in menopause.

"Someone is going through menopause." I whispered to Johnathan once Ms. Glineki turned back around.

He started laughing, but tried covering it with a cough.

"Alright! Miss Hyland, Mister Morrison, out. You're finished here for today."

"That's not fair!" Johnathan protested. You could tell he was trying not to laugh at my comment again.

"It's perfectly fair, Mister Morrison. I told you two to be quiet, you did not. Therefore, you are to leave my class until your next class begins." Ms. Glineki gestured to the door.

Johnathan and I grabbed our books and headed out the door.

"Therefore, you are to leave my class." Johnathan mocked in a voice that sounded exactly like Ms. Glineki's. She was a heavy smoker so she had one of the raspiest, scariest voices I've ever heard and only Johnathan could mimic it. I couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter.

"Only you, Johnathan. Only you can do that." I spoke between laughs.

"Calm down." Johnathan laughed with me.

"I'm sorry." I said, catching my breath. "You sounded just like her." I fought back another laugh.

"Yeah, I know. I used to just mock people from boredom so I can imitate almost anyone and everyone." He started walking.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Back to the dorms. English is my last class of the day."

"Well, shouldn't we go figure out our topic?" I asked, catching up with him.

"We could just go study in your dorm and kick Tina out." He said.

"You're right. Unless she pitches a fit. In which case we'll end up in the library or outside again."

"Or the rooftop." Johnathan added.

"Why the rooftop?" I asked.

"You seem to like thinking up there."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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