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Yoosung! Hello~


_____! Did you eat yet?


Yes I did



I miss you >//<


I miss you too~

Just a few more days till the party, and I get to see you!


I'm excited, maybe a little too excited

I want to see you so bad

You're just like Rika~


...Yoosung, I've told you this

I am not Rika, we're two different people


Yes I know

You two are just so similar..


But we aren't the same person

I understand you may think we are similar, but I am nothing compared to her



I-I'm sorry


It's so difficult to like someone who overlaps you over another person






But I guess maybe if you'll keep thinking me as Rika, I guess I need to stop




U-Uh It's late, I'm going to bed

Sleep well Yoosung.

_____ left the chatroom


I stared at my phone, for what seemed like hours. _____ liked me all this time, and I didn't notice?! I wanted to text her back, but I knew she would just ignore me. I didn't know she was that upset about me thinking her as Rika. Was I really overlapping her with Rika..? Damn it! I sighed and walked over to my computer. I played LOLOL for awhile to get my mind off things, but it didn't seem to work. All my mind was thinking was _____.

"I need to call her!" I marched my way towards the bed and grabbed my phone. I immediately dialed her number.

No Answer

"W-What?! She would usually pick up quickly!" I called her about 10 times. Maybe it was too much but I needed to hear her voice. I missed her. I messed up. Damn it!

I texted her multiple times, still no response.

"O-Okay Yoosung don't panic! She'll call/ text you tomorrow!" I sighed and set my phone on the table, drifting off to sleep.


You left the group chat immediately before Yoosung replied back. Anger and sadness built inside you. You hated this overlapping with Rika. You wanted to think of you, but not as Rika. You threw your phone by the thought. You slid your body down the wall slowly, and hugged your knees tightly.

You saw your phone being bombarded with text messages and phone calls, obviously by Yoosung. You angrily shook your head and turned off your phone completely. Yoosung filled your thoughts up completely. You, of course, had a very much big crush on him for quite some time. He was so sweet and caring. His cuteness was just so adorable. You laid on the bed, quickly getting exhausted already.

"Why did I fall for you?" you closed your eyes, and immediately fell asleep.


The sunlight hit your eyes, causing you to roll over. You groaned and rubbed your eyes. You turned on your phone, and got filled with notifications.

48 missed calls

78 unread text messages

"I think I should call him.. He's probably too worried." After about one ring, he immediately picked up.

"_____! I was so worried! I'm so sorry for last nig-"

"Don't be. I was just really frustrated okay? I don't want you to overlap me with Rika. Yoosung I like you, a lot." you paused, scared of what he was going to say. You could hear nothing on the other line.

"I-I... _____.. I like you too. I'm sorry for overlapping you with Rika. I don't mean to." you sighed in relief. He liked you for you, not for thinking you as Rika.

"You make me really happy, but it's a special kind of happy! _____ you make my heart flutter and it's just like.. I want to be with you all the time. I want to see you so bad. I wanna make it up to you. What do you want me to do?"

You chuckled and gave a slight smirk.

"Give me a kiss tomorrow. That will definitely make it up."

"A K-KISS?!"

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