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                                                                                                                                                        December 22nd 1957

Dearest Book,

I returned home from New Orleans today. It was a long stay, I was there for about two months, I visited grand mother. I'm sorry I didn't take you with me.

The visit was a little bit strange, I'm not use to the culture in such a place.

Grandmother has decided to live out the rest of her days in New Orleans, despite Grandfather no longer being with her. It was so beautiful getting to see her again, we went out for dinner once or twice but it was a delight hearing her stories of her younger days, when she and Grandfather had fallen in love and gotten married. Her life before hand, her life as a seamstress after she had been wed and everything before, after and in between.

Before I left she gave me this beautiful necklace, it's got a silver chain and a small ruby looking gem stone on the end.

It's quite a beauty. She told me it was a gift that my grandfather gave to her and she wanted to pass it on to me as she didn't know when we would meet again, said it would break me great luck and fortune.

It's a nice gesture.

I hope I will get to see her once more in the next year or two.

I will write again when something else happens.

See you next time,Mary.

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