That Day

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                                                                                                                                                         January 15th 1958

Dearest Book,

You'll never believe it but I have had the most peculiar day today, this morning I heading off to the bakery, you know, the one Mr Sandstrew owns.

To begin with it was strange, I live in London, one of the places I personally consider to be the dreariest place in the world. Usually, no matter what day it is, or what the weather is, there are people rushing off in every direction.  All different types of men, women and children off to school, work or to get some groceries or a new book.

Today was different.

It was unsettling, I saw a total of 3 people on my way to the bakery, everyone shuffling along and keeping their eyes down as if something dreadful had happened.

Regardless I continued on my way, and oh clever me, walked directly into another human. Lucky me the person was kind and grabbed  me before I fell.

He looked rather dashing I suppose, quite a bit taller than me, he had this beautiful wavy black hair and the most piercing eyes I've ever seen, they were this beautiful light blue colour, there were rings of green on the edges and a grey colour on the inside. I've never seen anything like it.

His outfit was also quite dashing. black trousers with a black coat, although I could see a white shirt and grey tie peaking out, I didn't see the shoes though.

He introduced himself to me as Thomas Enderson and heading on his way after I apologised. I do hope I will see him again but as this is London that chance is quite thin. Oh well.

To make it even weirder though once I got to the bakery Mr Sandstrew gave me the bread for free. It's a small gesture but any company needs all the money they can get but no matter how much I insisted he should take my money  he kept rejecting it, saying 'Don't worry girlie, on a day like today everyone needs everything they can get to lift their spirits'. When I asked about what he meant he told me not to worry about it and to go home and stay inside with my family.

I'm home and safe now, but I can't help thinking about Mr Enderson and Mr Sandstrews words.

It makes me a bit uneasy but I'm sure it was nothing.

I'll write again soon,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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