ch. 3: Semblance

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Alright your character shall now have a harem.


°Combat class, no one's pov°

Teams RWBY and JNPR sat in their seats as they waited for (y/n). He soon came out of the locker room with his weapons holstered. He then took a seat with them as Ms. Goodwitch came into the arena bellow.

Glynda: Today we will be having one on one sparring.

Then she starte to talk about aura meters and some other stuff. Then spars started with Ruby, Yang, Ren, Blake, Nora, Weiss, and Jaune in order. Everyone buy Jaune won their match then the next spar started and caught everyone's interest.

Glynda: Would Pyrrah Nickos and (y/n) (l/n) come down.

Everyone around them started whispering to one another as they were walking down. (y/n) heard a few of them and what they said confused him.

?: He's going against the invincible girl.

?: He's going to be destroyed.

?: How long do you think he'll last.

Then he arrived in the arena as Glynda was setting up the aura meters. when they showed up they confused everyone a bit. It showed Pyrrah's aura but not (y/n)'s.

Glynda: Mr.(l/n) do you not have your aura activated.

(y/n)-confused-: What are you talking about?

Glynda: Your aura, it's not activated.

(y/n): Never heard of aura in my life so I don't know what your talking about.

Glynda: I will explain it after class but for now let me activate it.

Then she walked up to (y/n) and put her hands on his shoulder and forehead before saying a chant. Then (y/n) was envloped by his (f/c) aura before she took a step back.

Glynda: Now that your aura has been activated we can continue with your match.

Then she left the arena before starting the match. (y/n) then pulls out his magnum before switching the ammo while pyrrah was on the defensive. She raised her eyebrow before she started to speak.

Pyyrah: Why did you change your ammo and why are you not bringing out your sword?

(y/n): The sword would cut through you easily since it's made of plasma and I'm changing my ammo to non lethal rounds since the bullets would pierce you and your armor easily.

Then without warning he shot at her feet where she jumped out of the way. She looked back at the spot to see some type of pink hardend material on the floor. Then he aimed back at her and started to open fire at her. She pulled up her shield to block but when she did she figured out what happened to the floor. As the bullets impacted the shield they unleashed a foam onto it that hardend in a second. She then tried to move the shield but found that she couldn't so she then let go of the sheild and used it as cover.

(y/n) looked at the foamed covered shield that was now connected to the floor before he reloaded. He then heard foot steps running towards him before he rold out to his right dodging a spear stabbed into the floor. He took aim at her again as she started to run back at him. She started dodging his shots as she was zig-zagging her way to him. Then she striked at him nocking his weapon out of his hand. He then started to dodge her strikes before he got cornered and as she went to strike again with her sword he brought up his arm to block it.

At times like this that I wish that I had one of those plasma shields the jackles used. Then without warning a plasma shield was formed onto his arm in (f/c) particles and blocked her strike. Useing this to his advantage, he pushed her back before kicking her away. Her then looked at the plasma shield before deactivating it. Then he thought of a smoke gernade before pulling the pin and dropped it at his feat.

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