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「 yoonji's pov 」

"i'm like a bird naragalge

ne moksori deullineun got eodideunji

in the air eodiseodeun uri

majuhaneun i sungan


i stretched out my arm to off my alarm on my phone. lazily, i picked myself up from my bed and rubbed my eyes to get my vision clear so i can check the time.


"it's already 7am? time passes so fast when im sleeping."

'era moreugetda i love y'all'

wondering who is it, i tied my hair up into a messy bun and reached out for my phone on the nightstand.

[unknown 7.30am]: good morning yoon-ie. i hope you had a wonderful sleep last night and remember we have modern dance class today till 6pm. see you later (:

this is actually not the first time i have received such texts. but the unknown person sounds nice so i decided to shrug it off and head for school.

"bye mom i'll be leaving now and my class ends at 3.45pm today but i have modern dance class till 6pm so i will be home by 7pm" i exclaimed while trying to straighten my tie on my collar.

"alright sweetie. be a good girl at school today okay. i wouldn't want any complaints from your homeroom teacher on the first day of school only." my mom eyed me carefully before going back to what she was doing before.

"i won't mom! bye!" i kissed my mom on her cheeks before opening the gate door and leaving my house.

;8.15am, busan high school of arts


i unplucked the earpiece on my right ear and turned behind to look for the one who called my name. a figure appeared running towards me and i realize it was jieun, my one and only bff in this school.

"what's wrong jieun?"

"d-din't i a-ask you t-to go to s-school with m-me," jieun panted heavily while trying to get her sentence together.

"you did? i guess i did not saw your message then oops. sorry eun-ah" i apologised while removing my earpiece from the headphone jack and keeping it in my bag.

jieun grumbled silently while ignoring me. "okay okay i'll treat you to ice cream after school as a payment for what i did alright?"

i nudged her in her elbow while teasing her since i know she will give in easily as long as someone treats her food.

"you said so yourself i did not force you" she smiled while turning to her locker to get her books for the first period.
a smile curved up my face knowing i have such an adorable and annoying best friend.

my locker was beside jieun's so i can easily take my books for different periods without having to separate with jieun. i opened my locker and took my chemistry book out.

a piece of pink envelope fell out and landed on my shoe. i picked it up and opened it, revealing a handwritten love letter in scented paper. i turned over the paper and read it.

'hope you're having a great day. you look really cute today c:'

i moved the scented paper closer to my nose and smelled it. 'this smells really sweet. is it the anonymous?'

since last year, an anonymous person has been putting gifts in my locker together with that handwritten letters. but i couldn't find out who is it. i've been thinking maybe the unknown person that's been texting me could be the same person who's been putting presents in my lockers. i wonder how did that person get my number though.


there goes the first period bell and that means it's time for chemistry.

"jieun let's get going for our lesson, if not ms yang would be demanding for a reason why were we late," i closed my locker while pulling jieun's hand to follow me.

first lesson of the year is going to be lowkey fun.

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