Please Don't Leave Me Alone

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And you know, you know, you know
it's 'cause you're beautiful.
You say you're numb inside,
But I can't agree.
So the world's unfair,
Keep it locked out there...
In here it's beautiful.

You stared out the window of the old car into a dark fall night. A pot of fear boiled and burned you from the inside as you neared your childhood home. This was where you had grown up, this was the place you loved most-- up until Senior year. You, Veronica Sawyer, had not only found love, lost your virginity, and by some miracle, made it into Heather Chandler's also managed to kill the Demon Queen of High School, along with Kurt Kelly, and Ram Sweeney, and you also watched as Jason Dean, the guy you had fallen in love with, commit suicide right before your eyes. You felt sick yet numb at the same time as your past began to be the only thing in your thoughts.

You felt a hand grasp yours, at first, it felt like his, but then you quickly came to realize it had been the old idiot's hand squeezing yours. He had been carelessly humming along to the song playing on the radio, Teenage Suicide. You slightly cringed at the noise, so you leaned forward and turned down the radio, your dad looking at you and sighing.

"Veronica, have you been feeling alright? You've been silent this whole ride back from the airport." He asked you, seeming worried.

You looked confused for a moment then stammered "Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking."

"I know it's tough to lose someone, Veronica, but it has already been so many years that girl-- Heather's death."

Your dad was pulling into the driveway as he was finishing his sentence, though, it really hadn't been Heather you'd been thinking about, it was J.D. Your dad parked and began to unbuckle and exit the car, though before he did, he turned to you and finished, "You really need to let it go, as hard as it is."

He was right, you needed to try and forget about it all, but that was what was the hardest. You began to exit the car and make your way to the trunk, popping it open so you could get your bag. You never needed much really, just a few changes of clothes, some makeup, and a place to go. Slamming the trunk closed, you and your dad made your way into the house. Immediately you were greeted by the scent of rose water and hydrangeas as you stepped into the house, along with your mother arriving to the door with a big smile. You kicked off your shoes by the front door while your mother swiftly moved towards you and pulled you into a hug.

At first you were confused then you smiled and returned the gesture. It had been such a long flight, and drive too, all to get here, home. You were so out of it, and normally, you would have pushed her away, if she wasn't your own mother.

"Would you like some Pâté, Veronica?" Your mom offered, though you kindly shook your head.

"No thanks, I should actually sleep if anything, the flight was tiresome." Your mother smiled and nodded "You know which room." Smiling, you picked up your shoes and luggage, then made your way up the stairs to your room.

Nothing about this little room was new to you, the same bed, the same walls, everything was the same, and yet- looking at the window filled you a concoction of fear, dread, worry, and longing. You remembered that day all too well, you remember that year all too well, you just-

"I wish I could turn back time, to the day I met you J.D.," you mumbled to yourself, your shoulders drooping while you pressed your foot against the hardwood floors. "I wish I could have changed you more. I wish we could have never killed them, and most of all..." Your eyes began to well up, vision becoming blurry as you finish your statement. "...I wish you hadn't left me alone..."

You dropped your belongings on the ground, and quickly stumbled to your bed. Running your hands through your hair, you proceeded to sit down on the edge, only fall onto your side, burying your face in the pillows. "Please...don't leave me alone, J.D." Grasping at your chest, you breathed heavily as the memories you two had made together flashed. You couldn't help but weep silently and shake, and before you knew it, you were fast asleep...


Writer's Comment:

Please feel free to vote and comment, suggestions are greatly appreciated and may be taken into consideration! I will try to be updating every Tuesday and Thursday, and possibly on Saturday too! Stay tuned!~

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