Chapter 10: I don't care!

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Naomi's pov

I walked inside the room and saw Will lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"Hey," I greeted as he looked in my direction. He sat up on the bed as I walked toward him sitting down on the bed next to him.

"Hey," he greeted. "What did the doctors have to say?"

"They said that I'm only going to be alive for two weeks-" I was explaining until he cut me off.

"What? No, that can't be true!" He yelled.

"Let me finish," I said. "Unless the chemotherapy works. I have to go back again a few more times."

"They better work. I can't lose another family member."

"You won't lose another family member," I told him.

"Promise?" He asked.

"Promise," I promised.

I honestly had no idea what was going to happen. Whether I'd die or live. I was trying to give him some hope, or at least try to convince myself.

"You know, to help raise more money for a house I could go fighting."

I sat down in front of the mirror and took off my beanie revealing my bald head.

"What happened?" He asked ignoring what I said. He walked toward the mirror and sat down next to me.

"Chemo, you should know this." I looked over at him. "I can go fighting to get you more money."

"Don't do anything, I'll earn it," he whispered kissing my head.

"Okay," I muttered. He wasn't going to stop me but just for his sake, I agreed.


Will had fallen asleep a while ago but whatever I did, I couldn't. It was one of those restless nights for me. The only thing on my mind was the money we needed. And Dylan. But mostly the money. We were so close to our goal. I slowly got up from the bed and walked toward the trash bags. I changed into a pair of workout shorts, Will's t-shirt and put my ski mask on. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house as fast as I could. Will said not to help him earn the money but I can't just let him do all the work. I can just earn the money fighting and Will can go and look for a house tomorrow.

I was running toward the club now and I could hear all their cheers and screams. The place is probably packed. More than usual at least. I slowly opened the door and walked inside. I walked toward the corner that I always go to but I saw Dylan sitting there. I froze in my spot. What was he doing here? And why do I feel like this? Taking a deep breath in I walked toward him and sat next to him.

"Hey," I greeted. He looked in my direction with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed at me.

"I needed money, chill dude."

"I'm not going to chill, you can not fight!" He snapped.

"Calm down man you're not my dad. You can't tell me what to do."

I knew I was driving him insane but I didn't really care. This was fun.

"Alright then, I'll hold down and if you escape, you can go."

Before I could even reply, he grabbed holding me to his chest, very tightly. I couldn't breathe let alone move.

"Let go of me," I huffed.

He looked down at me. "Sorry darling, I can't do that."

I stopped squirming at his choice of words. My body went limp and I leaned against him, feeling his strong arms around me. I blushed hard underneath my mask. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my head, I bit his arm. He let go of his hold on me letting me fall to the ground.

I shoved my bag onto his lap and made my way toward the ring.

"Mark Joseph!" A guy shouted making the crowd roar in excitement. "Will be fighting Austen!"

I jumped up on the ring, ready to fight the last fight of my life.

"Ready, set, start!" This guy yelled into the microphone. Mark threw a punch at me which I easily ducked. I tried to kick him in the shins but he grabbed a hold of my foot and twisted it making me fall on the ground. He started to punch me in the face but before he could knock me out, I said-

"I'm Naomi."

His eyes widened and he stopped punching me which I took advantage of. I kicked him in the head making him fall back. I got up and was about to punch him in the head but my vision suddenly went blurry. My legs felt weak like jelly and I could barely stand. Pain shot up from my back to my head and I had a horrible headache. My vision kept on getting more blurry until it turned black. My eyes rolled back and the last thing I remember was Dylan and Mark yelling at me to stay awake before my back hit the ground.

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