My girl

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Hanji gets some talking to for going out with Levi, but he won't have none of it.
Levi's pov.

Where is that four eyes? She said she'd meet me here and 10 minutes have passed. I started walking towards her homeroom when I hear voices.

"What gives you the right to say that to me?"

Hanji's voice?

"I don't really care. We all just think the schools nerd freak shouldn't be going out with the most popular guy. He could do so much better than you."

"Of course he could but he chose to go out with me so if you have a problem with that, I suggest you talk with him."

I felt a spark of anger inside of me.

"Well then, If you don't break up with him then I guess we will have to teach you a lesson to learn your place."

I heard desks being pushed and turned to stand in front of the door to open it.

"What do you think you are doing?"

I could see 2 guys with surprised expressions with their hands reaching out to touch Hanji.

I quickly walked forward and kicked one hard in the stomach and punched the other guy in the face. They were on the ground, shaking with fear as I turned to the girls.

I could recognize the one who was talking.


I was heading to Hanji's homeroom to pick her up. We have been eating lunch together since our relationship started.

I stopped in front of her door and opened it to see some students looking at me and some minding their own business.

I saw Hanji at her desk and some girl in front of her. I saw her holding her wrists to the table and Hanji had an angry face.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing?" I said as I walked up to them.

She turned around, slowly letting Hanjis wrist go.

"I was just telling Hanji a scary story. She asked if I knew any." She smiled.

"Right, Hanji-Chan."

"Y-yeah. Thanks for that."

*end of flashback*

I walked up to the girls and they backed away slowly with terrified faces.

"L-levi-kun. Its not what it looks like. We were just-".

"JUST WHAT!!? You were about to do something to my girlfriend, I should've knew it when I saw you the other day."

I turned around and walked to hanji. She was looking down at her feet and I lifted her chin.

"You alright."

"I'm good Levi." She said with a sad smile.

I grabbed her hand and walked towards the door stopping one more time.

"If you EVER come near her or me again, I'll personally take care of you. And don't even speak of this or you won't live to see another day. You got that!"

They nodded their heads and I walked out.

Hanji's pov.

Levi took me to his house because I decided to sleep over that day.

I've slept over his house before when we were on are third month of dating. Our moms knew each other anyway. Nobody was home today either. His mom was working late tonight and his uncle was on a trip.

He took me into his room and told me I could take a shower like always. He was such a clean freak.

I got into the shower and washed my body using Levis body wash. I usually had a separate soap but it wasn't there this time. I finally finished and got out wiping myself with my towel.

Levi always let me borrow his clothes which I knew he secretly loved.

I layed on his bed, closing my eyes for a moment. I always felt calm when I was near Levis scent.

I felt the bed dip and I was lost in thought, I didn't hear the door open.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"She was a waste of my time so it didn't matter. She was just another obsessive fangirl who couldn't help but feel jealous and sad that the one she liked was with someone else. They should just go to you if they have a problem with me. I didn't realize they would do something like this."

Levi wrapped his arms around me and I felt his breath on my neck and shoulder.

"If another girl ever talks to you like that, you better tell me."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay now. Just forget it."

"Do you wanna eat now or later."

"Laters fine. I just wanna rest."

I felt Levi nod and hold me tighter. I wonder what he saw in me, but I didn't think to much on it. I should cherish this moment while it lasted.

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