Big Surprise

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Hanji has a surprise for Levi, how will he react? Modern au (please tell me if there are any major mistakes cuz I read it over but I don't actually know whats wrong or right. Please try and enjoy. 😂)
Hanjis pov.

How was I going to tell him? Would he be happy? Maybe angry? There were many possible outcomes but I couldn't stop myself from being nervous. I just got back from a checkup at the nurses.

"So, Mrs. Hanji Zoe Ackerman. It seems you're pregnant."

"What?! Are you sure?!"

"Yes, I'm very much so. You have the symptoms for it. When was the last time you had your period?"


"Please calm down, stress could cause the baby stress also. Shall we go ahead with a ultrasound?"

"O-oh. Sorry. Okay.. So Um-"

And that's how it went. Me & Levi have been married for about 2 years and we've been happy. But are we ready for children, would we be good parents? I thought of how we couldn't have children in our past life cause I had died. Maybe Levi would be happy.


I looked at my phone and it was a quarter to 4. Levi would finish work at 5 so I had enough time to think it through.

I got up and decided to go for a walk. I was off today because of my checkup. I threw whatever clothing on and walked out taking keys and my wallet. I locked the door and walked to the elevator.

We lived on the 5th floor of a 10 floor buliding so it didn't take long to get to the lobby floor.

Maybe I should go to the minimart near here. I was actually hungry now that I think about it. It's about a 5 minute walk to the store so not so far. When I get their, I say hi to the clerk, his name was Eren. He was a high school student and also one of the many people we knew from our past life.

"Hi miss Hanji, how was your day?"

"It was mehh, had a checkup at the doctors today. Got a really big surprise."

I notice Erens expression and he doesn't look to happy. Ohh, he must think it's bad.

"It's not a bad surprise so don't worry."

I walk to the chips section and take a hot cheetoes bag. Levi hates these but I was addicted to them. Maybe I shouldn't since I'm expecting. I was thinking when I hear screaming all of a sudden.


What the? HOLY SHIT, Erens getting robbed. Erens being held at gunpoint by a guy in a dark blue jacket and a mask over his face. Shit shit SHIT, WHAT DO I DO??!

I look around trying to see what I could do but all I did was knock something over. Great. Just great.


Fuck, I'm dead.

I walk out with my hands in the air and he looks at while also pointing the gun at me to. All of a sudden Eren jumps over the counter to tackle the guy but what do you know. Luck isn't on my side. I suddenly feel a pain in my shoulder.

"My God, he shot me!!" I put pressure on the wound with my other hand. That hurt like a bitch, I wasn't used to this kinda pain since we weren't in a war.


All of a sudden I drop down to my knees. Thank god I wasn't hit in my stomach. I put my hand to my stomach and give the forming fetus reassurance that mommy's gonna be okay.

I noticed Eren knocking out the guy and he grabs his phone to call 911.

I start to feel light headed and slowly take a seat on the ground. This wasn't a very eventful day. Only one thing turned out good, and that was my baby.

My vision was blurring when I noticed Erem trying to keep me awake. I think I'm gonna take a nap, my baby needds a nap to.

"Miss- Hanji-!?"

"Don't worry Eren.. I'm just gonna-"



Damn, it was only 5:15? Can time go any faster?

"Oi, Levi. I need your signature on this."

Mike walks in. He hands me the paper and I read it over. I sign my name and throw it back.

"Sheesh, don't gotta be a bitch over a signature."

"Just get out, I have 44 minutes left of work, you got your signature."

Mike raises his hands in defeat. After a minute my phone rings. I answer it with a professional voice.

"Yes Petra?"

"Um, Levi, you need to go to the hospital, Hanji got into an accident."

I hang the phone up and I run out of my office telling my workers it's an emergency. Shit Hanji, please be okay!!


When I get there, I ask them for Hanjis room number.

"Umm, and you are?"

"I'm her husband."

He tells me room 208.

When I get to her room, the highschooler happens to be in there with her. I run to her side pushing Eren away.

"I'm s-sorry. This is all my fault!!" Says the kid. He starts bawling and I just pay attention to Hanji. She'll tell me what happened when she wakes up.

2 hours later...

Shit, where am I. Omygosh, what is that pain. I feel like I was shot- oh... yeah. I open my eyes and try to move but the pain in my shoulder spikes and I groan in the pain.

I feel something beside me move and see Levi looking at me.

"Hanji, what the hell happened!?"

I can see that Levi is angry with me. I didn't do anything!!

"I was at the store Eren works at and a dude just comes in wanting to steal money. I try to find something to help but instead he hears me. And yeah. But Eren saved the day!! Where is h-!!?"

Levi puts me in a tight hug, avoiding my shoulder as much as possible. I pat his back reassuring him that I'm alright.

"I can't lose you again Hanji!!! Why do you have to get yourself almost killed?!"

I just shrug and pet his head, giving him kisses. He pulls me in for an actual kiss and he crawls into my bed. I try to psuh him away but he's very persistent. Maybe now is the time to give him the news.

We pull away, completely out of breath and I spring it on him.

"Soo, I'm pregnant."

Levi's eves go wider than I've ever seen and no words come out of his mouth. I let it sink in for a minute and I pull him into a hug. His reaction doesn't come until I hear sniffling.

"Are you crying?!"

"Shut it four eyes!! Don't talk!"

I smile into his shoulder and he hugs me back, holding me tight as ever.

"We're gonna have a child. A baby."

Levi drops onto my lap and puts his face into my stomach. I keep rubbing my hand through his hair and it keeps me calm.


She's gonna have a baby. Our child. She's gonna have our child.

Her hand stops moving at some point and I know she fell asleep.

"I love you so much Hanji. You don't know how happy you've made me. I always dreamed of us having a family, even in our past life. But I knew we would never, not in that day and age. But I would do that all over again just to have this. I'm gonna protect you to the day I die. You and this child."

Seconds later, I fall asleep to Hanjis soft snores..

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