Close Friend

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I honestly don't want to create a oc so I used Petra. Yeah, it's cliche. XD
Petra was one of my closest friends. Me and Hanji met her along with the others in 1st year of high school.

I thought she was pretty different compared to the others in her friend group. She was a pretty and respectful girl in this group of childish and abnormal boys. I thought she treated me like the other boys.

So when she confessed to me, I was surprised but I knew what the answer was gonna be.

"I'm sorry, Petra."

I could see her eyes, they looked like they were going to water.

"No... I'm sorry Levi. This was stupid."

"It wasn't Petra. It takes a lot of courage to confess."

"Thanks. I guess that means I have more courage than you." She says with a laugh.

"Yeah... I guess so."

"You should do it then."

"Do what?"


Confess? What was she talking about? She didn't mean..

"Hanji of course."

When she mentioned Hanji, I was frozen. How did she know?

'Women's intuition' she said.

Ever since that day, she would give me glances when I was with Hanji which was everyday.

I was in love with Hanji for 2 years. 2 years and 6 months if you counted when I started to like her. She was always by my side annoyingly at first but she became a great friend, soon becoming the center of my secret affection.

And now I was being hassled by the girl who confessed to me to confess to Hanji. What a spot to be in.
"Levi, what the hell are you doing?!"

"Petra!!? What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I'm going to meet Oluo. Anyway, I've been staring at you for the past 5 minutes as you stand there with a dumb look on your face, looking at Hanji from a distance. Are you gonna go or not?"

"I will goshdammit!!"

Petra thought about leaving but she knew Levi, he hated talking about his feelings unless it was with Hanji. He's gonna thank me after this.

"Hey Hanji!" I yelled. I pushed Levi onto the corner of the sidewalk.

Hanji looked up from her phone and noticed Levi. I stood out of the way, hiding from her.


"Hanji!! H-hey!!"

They kept talking when Levi pulled flowers that he was holding behind his back, presenting them to her. She looked surprised but took them and smiled. That made Levi blush and they walked off.

Deep down, I felt jealous but I knew I couldn't be like this anymore. I wanted to be happy for them and hopefully find the one some day. I looked at my watch and went off to meet Oluo.

The End

Levihan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now