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(Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I just realised that I haven't done a bullying one yet, so here one is) ((Another screenshot))
SILT: Cold Blooded- Khalid (I rate this one too)
Word Count: 713

You skidded around the corner of the school hallway and dashed past the metal locker that you knew all too well.
Heavy footsteps thundered behind you, and you quickened your pace. You had almost made it to the door when you were slammed into the wall.
You groaned as your head throbbed with pain from the impact.
A pair of sky blue eyes glared at your form. Alfred Jones. Your own personal tormentor.
You struggled to free yourself from his grip, to no avail.
"Dick." You whispered angrily, a thing he unluckily heard.
"What was that?!" He spat, before laughing obnoxiously.
"Oh nothing. I was naming things your mother sucks to pay for a spoiled brat like you!" You smirked, before biting your lip in pain as Jones slapped you harshly across the face.
"Shut the fuck up, whore!" He growled before punching you in the gut. You grunted in pain, moving your arms to cover your stomach.
You heard a laugh behind Alfred, and glared over his shoulder to see Arthur Kirkland, another one of your tormentors. He never physically hurt you, but he did say things that emotionally hurt you.
While you were glaring at Kirkland, Alfred had brought back his fist to punch you again.
When you looked up and saw this, you braced yourself for the impact. Only it never came.
You opened your eyes, which you had closed, and saw a pale hand gripping Jones' arm, effectively stopping him from hitting you.
You let out a sigh of relief. 'Thank god Gilbert got here when he did!' You thought to yourself.
"Don't jou DARE fucking hit her again, jou piece of shit!" Gilbert growled in Jones' face.
Jones let go of you, and you slumped to the ground. He shrugged off Gilbert's grip on him and then faced him with a terrifying expression on his face.
"Shut it, freak! Ha, I guess it's pretty fitting. A freak protecting a waste of space like her!" He laughed obnoxiously. Kirkland behind him laughed too, just not as loud.
Gilbert balled his hand into a fist.
"The both of you don't belong in this school! Everyone here hates you, why even bother? YOU SHOULD JUST KILL YOURSELVES!" He laughed again, while Kirkland stayed silent, with a shocked expression.
Gilbert punched Alfred right in the nose. It happened so fast that you would have doubted it if you hadn't seen the blood gushing from his face.
But he didn't stop at just punching, oh no! Gilbert used his heavy military boots to his advantage as he kicked Jones while he was down.
"DONT. JOU. EVER. SAY. ZHAT. AGAIN!" He thundered as he kicked him.
You struggled to your feet, and walked/limped over to Gilbert. You pulled at his arms, trying to get him away, but you were too weak.
You motioned to Kirkland and he nodded quickly as he walked over and helped you pull Gilbert away from Alfred's bleeding body.
Gilbert shrugged off Kirkland's grip, and you motioned for him to take Alfred away before Gilbert decided to attack again.
Red eyes glared daggers at the groaning form being dragged away by the British male. You reached up and turned his head to yours.
His eyes scanned you for any serious injuries, and when he was satisfied, he pulled you into a crushing hug.
"Gilbert?" You whispered. He pulled back from the hug and looked at you.
"Ja, (name)?"
"I'm sorry." You said, looking down shamefully.
He tilted your head back up and looked into your (eye colour) eyes.
"Vhat for, liebling?"
"You always have to protect me and I'm sorry. I love you, but you obviously don't love me back since you always have to save me from Jones and his cronies, and i want to say I'm sorry." You said, with tears filling up your eyes.
"Ich liebe dich auch, (name). I'll always protect you, whether of not I need to. No one is allowed to hurt you, if you were hurt, my life would crash down. Ich liebe dich so much." He said seriously. He pulled you into a kiss, and when you parted, he pulled you into his chest. He kissed the top of your head, before grabbing your hand and walking out of the school with you.

You like? Yes? No? Let me know!
(Yo! Did you like my first ever bullying story?)
FotD: Iceland has an elf whisperer who inspects construction sites before anything gets built to make sure no elves are hanging around

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