Training II

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"The Kabu Gēto and Jōbu Gēto or in english the Lower Gate and the Upper Gate. This is where the rest of your training will take place." sam spoke as we entered this huge room with white walls and a tile floor.
    " how does this work?" I say as I look around the huge room.
     "Here put this on...I can show you better than i can tell you. Follow me...this is central axis. This is how you activate that thing on your head. It connects to your brain and enhances the brain waves allowing an easier read thus to create a false reality in order to help you improve that in which you lack." Sam explained as he placed a key in the axis.
     "Oh...i think i get it now..."
     "Master Sam!! were under attack...unh!"
      "WHAT!!!" we say almost simultaneously.

     Just then two big stocky guys show up in the doorway. "Well, well, what do we have here brother!" one spoke with a weird accent as they both began to change.
      Just then i notice that Sam doesnt have his sword and neither do I. We were at a major disatvantage.

     "Now you die!" the giant wolves roared as they came running toward us.
     "Alright Daniel...this moment here decides whether i train you or not. Show me how strong you really are." Sam spoke as he got into battle stance.
     "Right! Lets do this!"


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