viii. him

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viii. him

he knew his mother was weak

though he would never tell her that

but he voiced it once to the voices 

in his head

he knew he was crazy

everyone else in the world was, too

because they all had a conscious

or at least, he thought that's what he knew

he found out when he was young

that it didn't matter if they understood

because even if they did, 

they would still say all those nasty, degrading words

so he wouldn't say anything

to anyone, about anything

because he wanted to keep his peace

and he couldn't do that if he was talking

and right now, as he walked down that road

he felt more tears slip down from his eyes

wiping them away, he looked up

and he saw a girl standing on suicide bridge

and he could only hope 

that she didn't come here 

for the same reason he did

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