The Mother of the Group.

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You’re awesome! Enjoy and stay amazing! Its a couple hours early so LOVE ME!

It’s silent in the car for a second while they both absorb what Lucas just said. I never want to see you hurt. I never want to see you hurt. Kati repeats this over and over in her head, hearing it blaring in her ears. Had anyone else said it, she would have smiled and shrugged it off. But Lucas, he knew, or at least had a hint at, the baggage she was carrying. He understood what it meant to stand beside her.

And here he was saying that it was exactly where he wanted to be.

It meant the world to her. She heard him sigh, “Listen, -” but she didn’t want him to say anything that might ruin this. So she raised her hand to the side of his face and locked eyes with him. He read them easily. The wall that was so prominent up until yesterday, was completely gone, they were now filled with happiness and soft elation.

He glanced down at her lips for second before her leaned in slowly making his intentions clear, and giving her plenty of time to pull away. But she didn’t, her eyelids fluttered shut and Lucas closed the distance between them. It was a simple kiss, but it was filled with the unspoken words between them. He felt how soft her lips were and how they moved in perfect sync with his. Neither made a move to deepen the kiss, both content with the sweet innocence of what they had.

Lucas pulled away first, leaving the hand that had found its way around to her neck. He rested his forehead on hers and looked down at her eyes. He graced her with a small smile and tried to lighten the mood, “Consider you’re debt paid.”

It worked, she let out a small giggle.

“Come on, the others are waiting for us inside.” And with that, he brought her back to reality and what was really going on in her life. He saw the sudden sadness and distress in her eyes as she felt it. He bent down to quickly peck her nose causing her to chuckle at his antics. “I’ll be right there.” He told her sincerely, she took a deep breath and nodded.

They went inside the house hand in hand and Lucas led her to the kitchen. He knew the guys would be hounding Lilli for food right now because quite honestly if he wasn’t with Kati he would be right next to them doing the same thing. They walked in and sure enough Lilli was getting food together with Fabi setting the table with a chips and other snacks. Probably to shut Alex up until the food was ready.

“Would you two mind getting off your useless behinds and helping out?” Fabi asked Alex and Michael in a sarcastically sweet voice. They were sitting on the high chairs next to the bar watching Lilli work. Lucas saw Lilli hide a small laugh. She might be the mother of the group but it was Fabi who was always yelling at them.

Fabi couldn’t stand seeing them not do anything while Lilli could cook a three course meal with them watching her and never bat an eye. While she might not be as smart as Fabi, it was Lilli who would always make sure that everyone in the group was happy and taken care of.

“We’re tired babe! We just came from a game, its hard work.” Michael exclaimed and pouted at her. Fabi just shook her head.

“I threw a couple pizzas in the oven, they won’t take much longer.” Lilli spoke up ending the conversation.

Kati and Lucas, who had stayed behind by the kitchen door when they came in, started to walk towards the table of snacks. Well more like Lucas walked and pulled Kati along with him. “So were having pizza for dinner?” Lucas said continuing to stuff his face with the chocolate chip cookies.

Lilli nodded, “Well mostly just you guys, the girls and me ate some nachos already. At least I’m not hungry.” She said and looked at Kati and Fabi who both confirmed that they probably wouldn’t be eating pizza at all.

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