Meet the Flaming Five

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Longest Chapter yet guys! Enjoy!

On the way back to school every time Lucas would look at Kati, she was fidgeting and looking out the window. Finally, he turned to her,

“Okay, what is it?” He tells her one eyebrow raised. She looked at him innocently “What?” she basically whispered. And that was all Lucas needed to understand why Kati was acting weird. He just about stomped on the brakes and yelled NO! Don’t you dare! But he used all his self-control to keep his expression schooled, had Kati been looking up at his eyes instead of at her hands she probably would have seen the fire ignited behind them.

“I thought we were past the whispering.” He said, his voice void of emotion just like his face. Kati slightly looked up at him with apologetic eyes,

“I’m sorry” she whispered but it didn’t escape Lucas notice that she just apologized, didn’t give an explanation, didn’t say when it would end. Hurt passed through Lucas features, but Kati was looking at her hands again and when Lucas spoke he was the definition of poker face.

“What do you thinks going to happened Angel?” Lucas started his voice hard “When we show up together? People look at me and they’re not going to just overlook you.” Kati knew this, it’s what had her fidgeting the whole way to school and truly she didn’t have an answer. She didn’t know how to remain invisible when she got out of the same car as the great Lucas Addison. But still she whispered at him,

“I don’t know, Lucas, they might, I’m pretty easy to overlook.” But they both knew that was a lie, she was already all anyone talked about yesterday, it would escape no one’s notice that the new girl had already been with Lucas, because even with the fresh clothes, she knew everyone would assume they had sex last night.

Lucas scoffed and rolled his eyes annoyed, “Right Kati.” Kati flinched, it was the first time he called her Kati, ever.

When Lucas parked the car Kati quickly grabbed her bag and made for the handle on the door but he Lucas spoke up “Kati, wait.” His tone firm. That’s twice, Kati thought but froze. “I’m still your ride home.”

“Don’t worry about it I can walk.” Kati replied Lucas sighed and extended his hand,

“Give me your phone,” Kati immediately complied “Text me if you don’t need a ride, otherwise I’ll wait in the car.” He said handing her phone back to her. Throughout the conversation Lucas has schooled his voice to sound perfectly detached and Kati had schooled hers to be a perfectly smooth whisper and coincidentally both of them had a fleeting thought about how different this was from thirty minutes ago.

Kati grabbed Lucas’s bag that was at her feet, handed it to him and stepped out of the car. One look at the faces outside the car and Kati knew that every hope she had to be overlook could happily fly out the window because the extra time she and Lucas spent inside the car had only made more people turn their heads toward the beautiful car.

Nobody made an effort to hide their surprised expressions at who came out with the famous Lucas Addison. Kati quickly glued her eyes to the ground and starts toward the school, hoping she can find her own way to her locker.

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