Chapter 4

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Aiden lead me down several hallways, taking three lefts then a right, he was walking faster than he had previously, and I half- wondered if he didn't want to show me around. He stopped abruptly, and I almost rammed into the back of him.

"Aiden what are you doing in this part of the castle?" a deep male voice said. I knew I heard the voice from somewhere, but I couldn't place it.

"I was just showing Apple around Father," Aiden said and pulled me out from behind him.

"I see." King Philip said in a disgruntled voice, "Naturally you choose to show her the kitchens. Where she is strictly forbidden to go."

"Father I don't see why it should be forbidden. The servants there are all very careful and nothing bad can possibly happen in there."

"I have very strict instructions from King Ferdinand and Queen Snow that Apple is not allowed anywhere near the kitchens. She is only allowed in places where she can be under careful watch."

"The servants will certainly watch over her."

"Her parents are taking no chances with her safety here, and if we want this peace treaty to work, we must respect their wishes to the letter, Aiden." King Philip stated sternly.

"But I often stay in the kitchen at my house, and the servants quarters," I added from my position a half step behind Aiden.

"That may be true, but your parents wish you to stay in places that are more open and are easy to access, in case any harm were to befall you." King Philip said in a gentler tone than I had ever heard him use in my few hours of being here. He cleared his throat. "In any case, it's past noon, have you two had lunch yet?"

"No sir," Aiden answered for both of us.

"Then let us head up to the dining room together. Shall we?" King Philip stated, and his footsteps walked past us. Clicking against the stone floor in powerful strides. Aiden grabbed my arm and walked behind his father in strides that didn't sound quite as powerful, but was almost there.

Again I stumbled, trying to match Aiden's pace, while walking. He didn't seem to notice my plight. My clumsy steps might have been a part of some sort of curse upon entering Aurora's palace. Or simply because their stones were different than mine and the stones had cracks in different places then at my house.


At the dining hall, Aiden's grip on my hand seemed to tighten, or maybe I was the one squeezing his hand. I couldn't quite tell.

"Father, will Mother be here for dinner?" Aiden asked, and I felt my ears perk up, anxiously waiting for the reply.

"Unfortunately no, she is currently visiting a friend, and won't be back until tomorrow." King Philip replied. I let out a sigh of relief, and I relaxed my grip on Aiden's hand. I let him lead me to my seat, and I heard him set next to me. I couldn't exactly tell where King Philip was sitting, but I figured it was at the end of the table like my father sits at home.

The dining was interesting, it was quieter then it was at my house for one. My parents and I were usually being held captive by the stories Jack would tell us. Or our parents would be asking our opinions of what they should do about a problem in the kingdom. Here, however, they didn't say anything. They just sat there and ate, I idly wondered if it was my fault that it was so silent, that they weren't comfortable talking in front of me, or if their dinner was like this all the time.

I sat there until the clattering of dishes was ringing in my ears. I stood up, "may I be excused?" I didn't even wait for an answer, and I walked out of the room, measuring the distance through the number of steps I had taken to get inside. I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath.

Now how do I get back to my room? I thought. I tried to mentally picture where I was, but I couldn't remember exactly. I knew the kitchens were straight ahead, somewhat, but if I wasn't supposed to go there....I took another deep breath and resolved to try and retrace my steps, and if someone got mad at me, I could explain that I was trying to get back to my room the only way I knew how.

I started walking, keeping my left hand on the wall, hoping that that would help me orient myself. Down a few hallways, I still felt lost, I wondered if I was even if the right place. I was tempted to take my hand off the wall, but the thought gave me a dark, ominous feeling. I kept my hand firmly placed, and continued walking.

Another dozen hallways and I didn't feel any closer to my room. I sighed, and shifted around, hoping to sense some other presence, nothing. I put my back to the wall and slid down to the ground. I brought my knees to my chest and closed my eyes.

I hoped that when I open them, I would be in my room. I sat there for a long time, I'm sure I fell asleep. Yet, I awoke to a dark presence, and I felt the wall start to vibrate, and become liquid? I shot away from the wall and stood up. I felt the dark presence recede and I ran. The walls seemed to close in as I ran. I looked back, even though I know that I couldn't see if anything. In my terror I didn't sense that I was about to run into something, as a result, I rammed head first into a person.

Luckily, they had more balance than I did, and caught me before I was bounced back by the force of hitting them. They held me at what I assumed was an arm's length away, and I felt them looking at my face.

"Apple! Where were you! You scared me!" It was Aiden's voice, and I relaxed. Thank goodness. I thought.

"Nevermind, let's get to your room." Aiden then took my arm, and lead me to my room, and I went straight to bed, not even bothering to change and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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