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A/N I wrote this as English homework but I thought it could be a good joshler fic too so here it is y'all

"tyler, honey, we're going out for dinner at 7, get ready." josh called out from the other side of their apartment. josh had been away for 3 weeks on a business trip, leaving tyler by himself, so he thought he'd make it up to him with going out to their favourite restaurant. tyler's stomach churned at those words. he undressed and looked at himself in the mirror attached to his oak wardrobe. Tawny eyes grazed over his body, concentrating on his sable hair, deathly pale skin, prominent ribs, but his fat was all he really saw. His cheek bones stood out like mountains on his face, collar bones poked out like deadly razors, arms so thin, you could see his paper skin stretch over his fragile bones, thighs so small you could wrap one hand around them. He was far from fat. josh had noticed tyler's weight problem some time ago and encouraged him to eat more but it never worked. "I'm not going jish; I don't feel well" ty responded. "ty, are you sure?" josh questioned. "Yes I'm fucking sure I don't want to go!" He snapped, oceans spilling down his pale, dull and almost lifeless cheeks. "Woah, calm down dude." josh mumbled as he walked into the bedroom, and stopped in his tracks when he saw tyler, sobbing in front of the mirror. "ty, what happened?" he already knew what happened, he didn't need an explanation. He was destroying himself, and josh doesn't know how to help. "josh... why do you love me? I'm fat and disgusting, why am I so fat I hate it!" he screamed in between sobs. "Babyboy, look at me." josh crouched down to his level and lightly put his hand on his jaw. "You're not fat. You're scarily thin, how much do you weigh?" "98 pounds" tyler whispered. "Oh my gosh ty that's dangerous, we need to take you to the hospital!" josh yelled. tyler flinched at the loudness of those words and shook his head aggressively "I don't need the hospital, I'm perfectly fine, I just need to lose more then it'll be okay" josh picked up tyler without warning and carried him to the car, tyler thought It'd be best to not resist, he was too weak.

Once the couple arrived at the hospital, the nurses spotted tyler and rushed him into an emergency hospital bed, immediately hooking him up to a life support. His eyes were rolling to the back of his head, and his skin became almost translucent. "Hello, what is the boy's name?" The nurse enquired. "Uhh tyler, and I'm josh" He responded. The nurse said nothing, just nodded and walked back to the room where tyler was lay. Instinctively, he followed on behind her, seeing ty with wires all over his body. "Why's he got so many wires on him?" josh questioned with a tone of depression. "His organs started to shut down, it seems he hasn't eaten for approximately 15 days... Unfortunately, he's slipped into a coma, but he's going to be okay but we won't wake up for a while it could range from weeks to months or even years." Streams of salty tears started forming down the boy's face as the nurse awkwardly tried to comfort him. His life crumbled in front of him like dirt, leaving him with nothing but a pit of depression. Cautiously, josh advanced towards the bed where tyler lay and held his hand. "You're going to get through this babyboy, I promise. I'm so so sorry I wasn't there to help you when you needed me most"

7 months had passed since josh took tyler to the hospital. tyler got his own room, with an extra bed for josh to sleep in as he refused to leave the room because he wants to be the first thing tyler see's when he wakes up. The doctors know he will never wake up, his heart already gave up, weakly beating, without chance of recovery. Although, subconsciously josh knew this too, but clung onto hope like it was the most important thing in the world, and to josh, it was. He never left tyler's room, he quit his job, cut off all contact with the outside world, it was just him, tyler and the doctors. Life got very dull, and josh's mental health started deteriorating rapidly from social deprivation. He was a mess. He knew that the love of his life was never going to wake up and it killed him inside. He started to blame himself, if he never took that business trip, tyler would've never been like this. It was all his fault.

After it got to a year, josh went out more and his mood improved and he was recovering from the travesty. Outside, the wind sung a melody as it blew through the untamed grass, forcing the green patch to dance to its tune. Shining through the gaps in the blinds, the sun illuminated the room, causing josh to stir in his sleep, slowly awakening to the tuneful chirping birds. He glanced at the window, peering through the partially closed curtains, decided it was a good day. After a brief 10 minutes of him rising from his slumber, a doctor walked into the room with a worried and scared look on his face. josh knew this was the day. The day he'd stop the life support for tyler, letting his soul rest in eternal peace. The doctor looked josh's in his eyes and hesitantly said "We have to stop his life support, he's never going to wake up and life support costs a lot of money, tyler is draining our funds, we have to stop it. I hope you understand" josh was furious, but he understood, tyler was a lost cause, he can't be saved, so there's not much else to do. He nodded his head to tell the doctor he understood and his eyes told him he's ready to let go. The doctor let josh have a good hour with tyler before his life support was cut. This was the last time tyler had any chance of waking up, or hearing josh's voice. "Babyboy, I love you so much. I'm incredibly sorry that things turned out this way, I was stupid to leave you alone in the state you were in, now look at you." Tears started streaming down his face. "One day, we'll be together again, I promise. Until then, every time that I blink I'll think of you, you were my life, my universe... I'll never forget you honey. Rest well. I'm sorr-." His words were cut off by sobbing, and the nurses came in to comfort him.

As he was being guided out of the room he spent the last year in, he watched as the doctors walked in, and took all the wires out of tyler, and he couldn't bear to see the love of his life die, tyler always said he wanted to die before he got old, but dying at 24(ik this isn't his actual age but it's just for the story) is too soon. He watched as the doctors mouthed something that looked like "Tyler Joseph, age 24, 1st June, 2022 at precisely 08:08, declared dead." 'He's dead. He's actually dead.' He thought. He asked if he could go in and see the body but the request was denied. There was so much they didn't do, they didn't get married, they didn't have a child, they didn't go to Niagara Falls, they didn't go to Europe, there was so much they hadn't done, now they could never do them.

that day josh lost the only thing that mattered in his life, but things got better for him. He learned ukulele, like tyler and played tyler's songs at gigs in local bars, soon enough he was drawing attention to himself with his playing and tylers lyrics. After a year of gigs in bars he was asked to join a local band by the name of "The Hunna" which he graciously accepted, joshs life was returning to normal but every night he'd cry. He'd cry and scream and blame himself for tyler. One night, screaming and crying, he broke and so did the sharpener, nothing but a metal blade remained from the broken sharpener and nothing but blood and a broken boy remained from josh dun.

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