Chapter 1

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"I'm pregnant" I say looking into those big brown eyes that I was so in love with. To bad they belong to no good piece of shit Chris. He was my first love my first everything I love him so much and I don't even know why.
"Mannn gon with that shit Ian hearin it" he said waving me off I could tell he was high he was sitting on the couch with his friend Nino who seemed vary entertained by what's going on.
"That ho lien dawg" Nino laughed
"Lil ass boy stay the fuck out my business I ain't lien" I snap I never really liked Nino he tried to come on to me a few times but I never told Chris he probably wouldn't even care.
"Mane Kylie get from round" Chris said as he rolled up yet another backwood. I can't believe he would do me like this everybody said he was no good I should of listened.
"So you gon do me like this foreal?" I asked I could feel tears falling from my eyes
"Hell yeah we don't love these hoes" Nino says slapping Chris's back who seemed unphased by my crying I have never been so embarrassed in my whole life I couldn't stay in that room any longer I ran out of the house in tears I couldn't control them they just kept coming.

What was I going to do I'm 15 with a baby on the way with someone who couldn't care less about me or his unborn baby. I don't know what I was thinking laying down with his sorry ass. I was blinded by his lies he said he loved me and that he wanted to be together forever how could I be so stupid to believe that bullshit?

"So what he got you pregnant and left you big deal.." one of my best friends Nique said after listening to my pitiful story. Nique is brutally honest she says it how it is she don't sugar coat nothing that's one of the reasons she my best friend Along with lacy who's damn near the complete opposite of Nique she's tooo nice which is a big reason people tend to take advantage of her but don't let her niceness fool you she can get real nasty when she has too. Nique and Lacy were gathered in my room listening to my stupid ass tell them my stupid story about my stupid no good baby daddy.
"Bitch so that's not a big deal? Let me know of a deal you've had that was bigger" I said taking a bite of my cookie dough ice cream the kind I always eat when I'm depressed.
"Girl I'm just saying what's done is done you can't just stay here moping around all day eating your life away" she says taking my ice cream away
"She's right boo I don't think it's good for the baby" Lacy chimmed in
"Honestly I don't care I'm probably not keeping it anyway" I said taking my ice cream back from Nique her real name is unique but so many people call her Nique it might as well be her name.
"Are you serious" Lacy asked her eyes widened with disbelief
"Yes I just don't think it's a good idea to have this baby" I said looking down
"Your mom's never going for that" Nique said
"She might I could probably convince her" I said
"my ass I know your momma she ain't going for it" Nique was right my mom would never let me kill her grandbaby.
"Can we just stop talking about it I need some time to think I'm really overwhelmed by this whole situation" I said putting my face into my hands.
" I bet, me and Lacy gotta go to the library and finish our project" Nique said getting up off my bed and leaving me alone with my thoughts which is never really a good thing.

*******9 months later*******
I woke up a little early to make breakfast before I went to school. As I was scrambling the eggs my water broke I called out for my mom and she ran down the stairs and helped me to the car. A few hours later my baby girl was born Liana Taylor Jackson she was born on tuesday 2:30. She was so beautiful she looked so much like Chris he would not even be able to deny her. But it doesn't even matter because I'm not gonna bother him about it, I can do this on my own. My momma instantly fell in love with Liana she honestly reacted to my pregnancy way better than I thought she was really understanding and she's been a big help to me and I don't know where I would be without her, this was the best day of my life and nothing could bring me down this was the day I changed for the better.

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