Username Variety

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          I've had the same username for everything for the past like... Year. I hate it so much but I always get so worried that I'm going to forget my username and get screwed over. I've been trying to think of new usernames, but I can't think of anything creative... Like... Right now I have Cyan Cece, but I came up with that in two minutes at a Starbucks... Like... My friend ThatOneTeenageMess, who else would it be...? Has like... A really snazzy username she uses for everything... Except for of course, here. Same for all of my other friends. I know I shouldn't be comparing to them but screw that. Gosh this is such a stupidly random topic... ^^;; Also, whenever I think of a cool username, it's taken! Stupid unoriginal thoughts... I used to always use the username Fawnya but that kinda died, and now I use CeceMS... I also hate using numbers in my usernames because I have no memorable numbers except for 8 because I'm a perfectionist who loves symmetry... But I always find that numbers in usernames look weird and I never remember them. The same thing happens to me with passwords. It's really frustrating... Ughhh. How do people come up with such original usernames...!? FML

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