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||The Accident||

The next day seemed... unusual.
I woke up naturally, laying in bed for what seemed like forever. The dream I had was a poundering thought, and which surprisingly aroused me... even though nothing happened.
I sit up, surprised to see a hill on my covers... I mentally facepalm- but of course- I ignore it.

I remembered about Darren asking about coming to hangout... so- I took my sweet time getting ready.
**My damn dirty mind**
I showered and dressed, and ate some toast. I slipped on a simple T-Shirt and shorts... with a Dreamscaper necklace.

Before I knew it, I was out of the house... Walking to Darren's home. I walked to the door, knocking this time. I waited- before knocking a little more louder. .. I grew more nervous. Just pretend he's just a friend... like anyone else... I says to myself.
I hoped that Darren was awake, and not passed out from sleeping pills.

I sigh a little, somewhat disappointed- and as I began to walk away, the door opened behind me.
"Vince, I thought you weren't coming...?" Darren seemed somewhat friendly about it.
"Of course- I mean... Why wouldn't I come?"
Vince felt the chills on his neck rise, which he rubbed away.

Darren walks out, wearing a tank shirt and shorts... Vince smiled- "Where do you wanna hang out at...?"
Vince says, before Darren began walking..
"Heh, the tree you fell in when you were little..." Darren holds in a laugh, Vince narrowed his eyes, in a joking way.

"Why- I almost got killed!" Vince chuckled. "Yeah, I know... that's why I wanna go there..." Darren says a blank expression- that broke away with a smirk. Cutie- I squealed mentally.
We walked through Dreamscape, enjoying the day to ourselves.

The sun was out, the exotic animals hung around- but were hiding by the sight of us. We were stopped on the way- I spotted Powder and a small child under the tree shade.
I smile, walking to them- Darren followed.

"Powder!" Vince calls out, getting the pink dragon's attention. She looked at them gleefully- "Hi Vince- And Darren... what brings you guys here?"

Both of them sat under the shade with her and the child- "I was curious... who's this?" Vince smiled, looking his way to the small child. They looked male, their eyes were a deep green- which was a unique type of green- and had certain parts of their skin with brown spots, like overgrown freckles.

"This is Jordyn... they're new to Dreamscape..." Powder says, in a slight saddened way. Whenever I human child, like Jordyn, came to Dreamscape- we are conscious about how they get here... Sometimes they are in a coma back in their world- while they are awake and alive here.
We used to have someone for Comatose patients who help them through the Mindscape... and if one dies here- they'll die in reality.

I don't understand how it works, but it seems pretty upsetting to know that we have to do are best to protect them. If we don't, they'll die.
I force a smile, looking at Jordyn's big Green eyes. "Hi, Jordyn... I'm Vince..." I say steadily, lending my hand to them calmly.
They looks at it shyly, before oddly shaking it-

"Jordyn is one of the recent comatose patients... and they also has Autism Spectrum... Sasalina and I are working very hard to help them- so they can be successful once they wakes up.."
Powder explained, brightening the subject.
"How do you think they're going to be in comatose...?" Darren asked, glancing at Jordyn. "I'd say for a couple months... maybe weeks If we put an effort.. but we have to be slow with them..."

Jordyn smiled, before making a cute little noise- and falling into my lap hugging my waist. I smile- letting out a light laugh... Powder snorts- "Aren't they adorable...?"

Jordyn scrambled off my lap, and going to Darren's... "H-Hey- kid... don't do that-" Jordyn hugged him as well... he must really like hugs.
Darren was trying not to show his embarrassment..
I couldn't help but awe- "They like you...!"

We Ain't never getting older {Vince X Darren}Where stories live. Discover now