Undercover Geeks

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Ellie's POV

St Morgues.

Definition; A living Hell.

Especially when your someone like me.

Now don't get me wrong, the curriculum is AMAZING! But the people.......... Not so much.

St Morgues is a boarding school. Or as I like to call it, A Boarding School for Snobs. Now you may think I'm calling myself a snob..... But I'm not...... kind of..... wait.... What?!

Anyway I'm Ellie. Ellie Winter. Ha-ha-ha. Come on I know you want to laugh. And yes. My last name is really a season. But you know what? I don't care. I may get bullied by the rest of the schools population but.... Hey! At least I'm smarter than them.

Which brings me to my current situation.

I'm surrounded by bullies.


"Hey! Winter! Did you know that when you look up the definition Geek, Your picture is there?" One guy mocked.


No. Seriously. Last year someone got all the schools dictionaries and pasted my yearbook photo under the definition Geek.

"Whoa! Careful there bro, She might give you Frostbite!" His friend joined in.

Really? Like I haven't heard that before. I'm surrounded by morons.

"Ah.... I thought I smelled Geek." And her Majesty arrives.

Her voice IS SO ANNOYING!!

It's like a squirrel getting mangled to death by a washing machine on Rinse and Repeat.

Squeaky clean? I think not.

"H... He... Hey! Br...Brooke. Long time... No see!...... Since yesterday" I muttered that last part.

Kill. Me. Now.

"Are you talking to yourself again?" Brooke faked sympathy.

"What? Me? No! Psh.... Course not. Who talks to themselves?! I don't. Although some people say its good for therapy. But I don't go to therapy. Do you go to therapy? Cause I don't go to therapy. Do you? I don't. I think my goldfish needs therapy. SHOULD I TAKE IT TO A DOCTOR?! Should I? Shouldn't I? Yes? No? Gorillas. Wait.... Why am I talking about a goldfish? I DON'T HAVE A GOLDFISH!!!"

She just looked at me as if I had lost my marbles. Along with the rest of the school. I probably had. I did once when I was ten! My dog ate them.

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