Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Sara quickly turned the alarm off. She was already up and dressed and ready for the day. It was after all the first day of school for her as a cat. She was nervous and excited all at the same time. She shook Ameera to wake her up. “Wake up sleepy head it’s the first day of school.”

Ameera was about to start her first day of Sixth grade, and her first school day in America. She hadn’t talked much about herself with Sara since they were roommates in the Yukon, but Sara did know that Ameera came from a strong Muslim family and her father was a wealthy oil tycoon from Abu Dhabi. Sara never met anyone from Ameera’s family, and her father had completely disowned her when he discovered the truth of what had befallen her. Sara couldn’t even imagine what he would have done had Ameera turned into a rabbit or cat like herself, and Sara never learned of what was wrong with her before her treatment.

Ameera’s father lost most of his fortune to Dr. Bucur for the miracle cure that ironically resulted in her banishing. He still kept a good portion of his assets because he was dishonest in his dealings. It didn’t matter now though. Ameera was here with her and she would be the very best big sister she could be to her.

Even though Ameera’s family wasn’t the most faithful Muslim’s, the society she grew up in required many things of them, especially girls, which were completely foreign to Sara. Regardless of her beliefs Ameera had decided to start wearing hijab; a Muslim term meaning modesty that many Muslim girls began at the age of puberty which required them to cover everything but their hands and face. Sara believed Ameera did it more so that she could hide her long pointing ears without people questioning her rather than for religious beliefs. Sara had a lot to learn about Ameera and her culture, but she was more than happy to do so.

“Come on Ameera! Wake up.” She said rocking her back and forth. “You don’t want to be late on your first day of school do ya?”

A quiet “Yes.” was all that escaped the young girl’s lips.

“Yes you don’t want to be late?”

“Yes, I want to be late, it’s too early.” squeaked a tired Ameera.

“Well I’m not going to let you get off that easy. I’m going to get a drink of water and I’ll wait while you get up.” The green eyed cat said in a mysterious tone. “Fair warning though, I can be pretty clumsy sometimes.”

Ameera quickly sat up and threw the blanket off her at the implied threat. “Ok, I’m up! I’m up!”

“I wasn’t thirsty anyways.” Sara replied.


Jennifer set down the microbiology book she was studying before the first school day. She had been catching up on all the lost study time since her trip to Canada in search of her best friend Sara. She had traveled the distance with Sara’s brother Joey whom she had a crush on for quite some time before. She reveled in the time spent with Joey during that time and everything had worked out better than anyone could have anticipated. They found Sara safe and sound and completely cured of her cancer, and Joey and herself had grown very close together and began dating formally.

Jennifer was particularly proud when Joey turned down the treatment so that they could have a more normal relationship. Even had he undergone the transformation she still would have loved him as she always had and she believed she always would, but now wasn’t the time for nostalgia she had to get going as she was still the only one of the lot of them that had her drivers license she had to pick everyone up and take them to school. Of course she didn’t mind this as it would give her some time with Joey before beginning the day.


Mr. Saxton peered out of the window of his study and watched as his green van pulled out of the driveway and disappeared around the corner down the street. He pulled and twisted his long whiskers as he thought, wondering if their decision to come out from under the bed and reveal themselves to the rest of the world was the right choice. No matter now, he thought, the choice has been made and whatever happens will happen there’s no use worrying about what may have happened. He did hope that all the kids found a friend that would accept them for who and what they are.

In the meantime he needed to get back to work and he sat back down at his desk. Ever since he got Dr Bucur’s hard drives full of research that Joshua had stolen during their daring escape, he had been studying and learning as much as he could about the unique microscopic half-biological half electro-mechanical nanites that were inside Sara, the others and himself. He was trying desperately to see if there was any way; any chance at all that the animal effects could safely be reversed. So far he hadn’t any luck finding anything to that effect. However, he did come across something that could prove to be the next best thing. He wasn’t at the point to where he would consider it though. Never the less he made a strong mental note of it and continued in his studies.


“Do you want me to take you in?” Sara asked Ameera as she climbed out of the van.

“No thanks.” She replied then turned to Joey. “Can you take me in?”

Sensing Sara’s emotions, Joey looked back at her who was a little hurt at the denial, but she nodded for Joey to go ahead.

“Sure, no problem.” He replied and began to climb out of the vehicle and walked her into the elementary school.

After they entered the school Tony turned to Sara. “You know she didn’t mean anything by it.” He said comfortingly.

“I know, I’ll be alright.” She said softly.

Joey came running back, climbed in and they were off to their school. They all sat and waited in silence after Jen parked the van in the high school parking lot. They weren’t sure what it was they were waiting for. They were all nervous as to the outcome of the day. No creature of their kind in the history of the world had ever stepped into a public school of learning. Today would be the first and there was no way for any of them to predict what may happen. Joey and Jen had the least to worry about as they would only be associated with the other three.

After a moment, which seemed like ages, Joshua broke the silence. “Well,” he breathed in deeply. “It’s now or never.” With that he pulled open the sliding door and the short thin black cat emerged into the open shortly followed by the others.

They all walked together across the parking lot getting glances and stares from other students. The other students waiting in the yard outside the school stopped whatever it was they were doing and looked in awe at the colorful and furry group approaching the school. They began whispering in each other’s ears while they stared not bothering to hide their amazement. Looks of fear appeared on some students faces as they watched the large Tony who towered over the others by nearly a foot. He smiled awkwardly in response, which only further scared the others by partially revealing his long sharp teeth.

They entered the school and found a seat along the cement bench in the lobby where that sat themselves in anticipation for the bell that would mark the start of the school day. They looked about them as everyone watched their every movement as if at any moment they would spring into action and destroy them all.

When Sara could take no more of this she burst up took a deep breath and calmly yet in a loud clear voice simply introduced herself. “Hi everyone, my name is Sara and this is my family; my brother Joey, My step-brothers Tony and Joshua, and my best friend Jennifer. We are all excited and happy to be here. I know we look different but I hope you will look past that and accept us and even befriend us.” Then the bell rang. “We’ll see you all in class have a great day.” She ended cheerfully with a big smile and they went their separate ways to class.

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