Chapter 4: Sassy Partner

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" You'll be in pairs, painting a diorama, or a paper-mache lamp. Anything postmodern. Then write a paper on design. Or don't. That works,too." Oh wonderful, I don't have any friends to partner up with. "But remember, this project will count for ten percent of your final grade, so work hard! Sound good?"

Immediately all of my available options closed off. By available options, I mean two. Hana and Mai paired up together. Guess I have to wait until another loner pops up. I sighed, resting my head on my arms. Shane cleared his throat loudly. I raised my head to glare at him, but realized he was the only one without a partner. Hell no.

Shane was the first to speak up, "I guess we're partners then." He glared at Jon and PBG, who gave him apologetic looks. Harsh.

"I guess we are." I turned in my seat to look at him. "I have no preference for what we do, you can decide."

"I'm not doing all the work if that's what you're implying."

"As if. Do you think I really trust you with all this attitude you've been giving me?" He glared at me.

"I'm not the one who made another girl cry and broke a dish."

"Okay one, I wasn't trying to hurt Hana, and two, those girls tripped me."

"Stop trying to play the victim, it's not working on anybody."

"I'm not trying to play anything." I growled at Shane, quickly grabbing my bag and exiting the room as soon as the bell rang. What a jerk.

The next morning, the halls of the Poppy building were covered in posters of Jared's fashion show. I mean I know he's a model, but damn this is a bit much. I passed Jared. Mai. and Hana on my way to class. Jared was handing Hana some pictures, probably samples of his modeling jobs.

Class passed by slowly, Miss Shizuka going on about three of her ex-boyfriends. Hana and Mai were once again welcomed to the Normal Boots table at lunch. I guess I will once again sit at a lone table. I sat in my usual table, a two-seater in the back corner, right by the yellow jacket table. The room was filled with chatter, no drama for once. I finished my sandwich, and stood up to put my tray back, when Jirard ran into a first year. The boy argued with him, making fun of his IBK collection. Whatever that is, but quickly shut his mouth when he realized his friends would not let him return to their table after he verbally assaulted a Normal Boots member. What pussies.

When it was once again class time, I realized I still hadn't planned out the project with Shane.

"Hey." I approached Shane. He just huffed at me, and turned slightly in his seat, returning to his sketch book.

"Dude, we need to do the postmodern art project." I deadpanned at him. He turned back to me, a blank face.

"I know what we can do. A traditional lamp with a postmodern feel. If you construct the lamp, i'll paint it."

"Um, okay. I guess. I'll do it today and give it to you. Can we meet up somewhere later so I can give it to you?"

"Yeah," He sounded unhappy, "Go to room 230, its up one story on the right side. It's the Normal Boots club room, I have a meeting there around 6."

"Got it, thanks I guess." He huffed at me again, and the bell rang.

I spent a few hours after class constructing a postmodern lamp. I used some thin sheet paper, but glued layers together to keep it strong. Shane better not complain about it. I did my best and i'm too lazy to redo it if his majesty is not content. I looked at the clock. 5:50. Right on time.

I stood in front of the club door. I could hear the noise of the members playing what I assume to be Nario Cart. I tentatively knocked on the door. PBG opened it.

"What do you want?" He glared down at me.

"I'm here to give Shane our project." I lifted the lamp in my arms.

"Oh." He took the lamp from me, arm already moving to close the door.

"Uh, thanks, I guess." I gave PBG an awkward wave and turned away from the door. 

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