Sarcasm is Key

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It felt a huge rush to my head as I began to wobble around looking for the stairs Drew had dragged me up a few hours ago. Perhaps while I was making out with Drew I didn’t realized how drunk I actually was. My head was starting to spin and all I wanted to do was sit on the floor and take a nap until somewhere around the 22nd century.

As if walking towards the stairs wasn’t bad enough, walking now was a whole new difficulty. I had to walk down so slowly I’m pretty sure an 80 year old going down on one of those chairs to climb the stairs would’ve passed me. My grip on the railing never faltered until I got off the last step and made sure my legs were firmly on the ground. That was the hardest fucking thing ever.

“Hey Eli, you in here?” I called out with my drunken head raised high as if I was looking for him on the ceiling. Being the klutz I am I didn’t see the turned over chair in front of me and I stumbled over falling face first on the table and then rolled over onto the ground. “Fucking hell” I shouted at nothing in particular. I stood up quickly and scanned the room afraid someone had seen me. Thank god everyone’s gone home. I turned to the chair and began kicking it furiously. “Stupid chair” I yelled. “Oh wait, you too Mr. Table don’t think I forgot about you you little arsehole.” I began kicking that as well. “Fuck you furniture.”

“Spence is that you?” I heard the all too familiar voice echoed out in the empty room. Finally, he’s here. I thought I’d be searching forever.

“I’m in here” I called back. Soon enough Eli pocked his head from around the corner. He rushed over to me. Probably to make sure I was ok.

“You alright?” He asked sounding worried. I noticed he was scanning my body trying making sure for himself that I was ok.

“I’m fine, just a bit tired that’s all.” LIES you’re drunk stupid.

“Suuuure. Anyways, it’s time to go home. Come on.”

I let out a heavy sigh and crossed my arms stomping my foot like a child. “I don’t wanna move. I’m so tired. Can you carry me?” I asked with my bestest puppy dog eyes and pout.

“Fine” he exhaled drawing out the I. “That puppy dog face is pretty convincing, how long have you been working on that one?”

“Ya know, since I was about 5.” I said proudly with a grin that must’ve resembled Cheshire cat. We both laughed as he turned around and I jumped on his back carefully wrapping my arms around his neck so that I wouldn’t choke him. He slowly placed his hands to cup underneath my thighs as I relaxed onto his back. I could’ve sworn I heard his breath hitch in his throat. But that could’ve just been me.

“Onward my lovely prince!”

At some point between the walk to the car I started to doze off at the swaying movement of his body as he waked. I felt the breeze of the cold night hit my face and I wrinkled my nose and snuggled close into his body. I’m almost 100% sure that he is most definitely smirking at this because that is literally his only facial expression. I heard a car door open and close as Imogen and Adam began throwing questions left and right asking if I was alright. I didn’t blame them though because in my state I might as well be a dead man lying on Eli’s back. He started telling them about my encounter with the furniture and I almost smile but decided to keep my eyes closed. I was both drunk and extremely tired so I’d rather not answer their millions of questions.

I’m pretty sure I heard Adam chuckle something about me being a “class A klutz” as Eli somehow turned me around from his back and I ended up shifting peacefully into his arms. He placed me in the car and I automatically curled into the closest person sitting beside me. Turns out it was Adam.

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