Level 43

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OMG guys it's me I'm back I'm finally back :D "cheers and clapping" As an apology for me not updating in like months I made this chapter kinda long. It took me a while to write cause I wanted to make it extra special for you guys hoping you'd forgive me for being gone for so long. Alright so I won't keep you any longer....read away my cookies


The drive from Adam's place to the Dot wasn't that long which meant that Adam lived close to school. I was excited to get in and start partying but at the same time I was worried that I wouldn't fit in and be the odd one out. I'll probably stand back in the corner by myself while everyone socialized.

As Eli pulled up next to the dot and I climbed out I could almost feel the bass of the music flowing through my bones. I looked up at the windows of the place and noticed various silhouettes of teenagers dancing against the coloured windows. It looked cool from out here about 2 stories down, I can't wait to see what it looks like from inside.

"You ready to reach level 43?" Eli said from behind me. When did he get there?

"Yup! Are you ready Mr. Goldsworthy?" I said looking at him from the corner of my eye.

Imogen and Adam were already walking up the stairs not bothering to wait for us. Eli was about to answer when I heard his phone begin to ring. He quickly glanced at the ID on the phone. It looked as though he was unsure of answering it but when he put it on silent and pushed it back deep into his pocket I knew my answer. I guess whoever that is they aren't that important right now.

"I was born ready; see if you can catch up." And with that he left me standing there as he ran to catch up with Imogen and Adam who were already slipping in through the door making the music blast louder in the silent alleyway.

Eli! I said to myself in disbelief as I began running after him, up the stairs, and finally caught up to him just as he was about to enter the door slipping in past him.

I caught up with Imogen and Adam who were talking to a group of people near the drinks. I really wanted to fit in so the best way to do that is by getting to know some of their friends. After all, Adam did say he didn't mind playing introducer.

"Room for one more?" I said placing my arm over Adam's shoulder which seemed to startle him before he turned and realized it was me

"Always" He smiled and placed his arm around my waist and resting it on the small of my back. "Hey guys, I'd like to introduce you to my friend Dakota Spence. She's new to Degrassi and has a tendency to get herself into trouble so if you see her, run the opposite direction." Everyone in the group erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Yep that's me. Dakota is my name Awkward is my...well, I guess you could say specialty." This caused another round of laughter among the group.

"I'm sure if your specialty is awkward, you'll fit right in. I'm Fiona by the way." A girl wearing a yellow dress and perfectly tousled midway length hair stuck her hand out to me which I happily shook.

"Nice to meet you Fiona" I smiled back at her. I had seen her before. She was in my drama class that I had period 3 today. She was really nice. When I had walked in drama today with Eli she welcomed me with open arms into their group so I wouldn't have to group with people that I had no intentions on grouping with because it would be awkward. We are currently working on a play Eli is writing called Romeo and Jules. It's coming on well if I do say so myself.

"Alright so the rest of the gang is pretty simple. This is Zig, our lead singer and guitarist, Maya, who's our cellist and backup vocals when necessary and over here we got Mo who's on keyboard. In addition to the band members, this is Zig's girlfriend Tori and you already know Imogen and Fi.

After getting to know some of Adam's friends I decided that I wanted to get my party on and dance. As I was standing around looking for Eli I felt someone's presence sneak up next to me. The unknown person wrapped their arms around my body from the back scaring the living daylights out of me.

"There's my favourite new person." The voice spoke in my ear. The hairs on the back of my neck stood as I recognized who it was.

"Drew, you nearly gave me a heart attack." I said putting a hand on my heart and I turned around in his arms.

"Sorry." He said with a smile on his face. "What are you doing over hear by yourself? How come you're not dancing the night away?" He removed his arms from around me and leaned on the nearby table.

"Well, I would be dancing but I don't like dancing alone. I was just looking for someone to dance with but I can't find anyone since I don't know anybody at all and my only friend is nowhere to be found.

"Ouch. That hurts Dakota. Are you saying we're not friends?" He faked hurt by putting a hand on his heart.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that .We're friends, I was just talking about someone else."

"Good, cause I like you, so it would be pretty weird if we weren't friends cause then I'd be talking to a stranger." He said with a wink and that adorable smile of his. I really like Drew. He's sweet. He's cute. He's funny. He's cute. Did I mention that he's hella cute?

Drew and I stood there talking for a while. I even forgot that I had been looking for Eli an hour ago. He convinced me to come with him and get a drink with him and his football buddies. He laced his fingers in my own and began walking me towards what I presumed was an exit but was only a back room filled with about 20 people standing around a pool table. He introduced me to KC and some others. KC was a nice guy. He told me he was on the football team too and was a soon to be daddy to a baby who's mom he doesn't really care for that much anymore. Thats cute, I thought to myself.

When Drew mention the drinks KC pulled out two bottles of vodka from inside his bag along with some cups. Some guys who were hanging around him that were obviously on the football team as well began whistling and a chorus of "Atta boy baby daddy" and "Wayta go KC" began erupting from the jocks.

All of us began taking shots and after about 5 I started to feel off. I'm pretty sure I wasn't that drunk but hell, I wasn't quite sober either. The guys talked some of the other girls and I into doing body shots with them. I was kind of nervous at first since I was sober enough to realize that I don't know any of this guys but Drew assured me that we'd be partners.

Soon enough me and a couple of girls were taking shots of the guy's stomachs. I watched as a girl who I now know as Marisol begin to lick the alcohol off KC's stomach. She got it all and wasted no time in taking the lime out of his mouth. I'm pretty sure she was suppose to eat it but she spat it out quickly and began making out with him. Everyone began cheering, even me. There was a lot of tongue battling going its amazing how the two of them are breathing.

I was holding my cup in my hand until I was pulled to the other end of the pool table with Drew.

"Your turn newbie, unless your p*ssying out." The guy said as Drew began lifting off his shirt and getting on the pool table. I could've sworn a flash of worry spread across his face when I didn't say anything. He looked as if he was about to say something but I didn't let him as I downed my drink and threw the cup to the ground.

"Bring it!" I said excitedly and nervously at the same time. A grin plastered itself across Drew's face so wide that his eyes were slightly closed.

The guy seemed pleased as well and began opening the bottle. I've done this many times before and I've mastered the art of catching all the alcohol. I placed myself in between Drew's legs and kneeled down close to his waist just above his belt. The smile dropped from Drew's face as he watched me. I watched as he tensed up a bit looking slightly nervous. I flashed him a grin.

"POUR IT!" I shouted. The guy raised an eyebrow but none the less began to pour the drink. I'm pretty sure I got all the alcohol off of Drew's stomach as everyone began cheering around me. Never once did my eyes leave Drew's. Once I got it all I stood up staring at Drew. He was watching me, wide eyes, with the lime entangled with his tongue. I didn't want to seem like a wimp so I went in there and took the lime. My lips lingered longer than they should've against his. It seemed as thought the well kept sober part of my mind was slowly fading. Feeling slightly nervous and somewhat sick I began backing away but Drew brought his hand around to the back of my head and pulled it down, meeting his lips with mine once more. The kiss started off slow until the vodka started kicking in and it began getting hot. Our tongues were battling against each other, the lime still somewhere in there. Drew backed off and spat the lime on the ground. He got off the pool table quickly smashing our lips together again. Wasting no time he brought us over to a couch and dropped himself on it pulling me on his waist to sit with my legs on either side of him. Normally this is where I'd draw the line but something about Drew made me not want to stop. He fisted his hands in my hair and tried to pull me in closer which was at this point scientifically impossible. Drew was driving me crazy. Eventually I was out of breathe and pulled away from him. He placed his lips along the side of my neck as I gasped for air. I opened my eyes to find out that thankfully no one was watching us and had gone back to their body shot games. I was too caught up in my own thoughts to notice that Drew had stopped kissing me and had nestled himself into the crook of my neck.

"I, uhh" Drew tried against my skin. I turned to look at him. We stared at each other for a while before be both bursted into a fit of druken giggles.

"That was..."

"Crazy" Drew finished for me

"Yeah" I said smiling.

"I liked it a lough though!" Drew said suddenly. He caught me off guard with it but I figured he was too drunk to say anything worth believing. I didn't trust myself either because I was drunk as well but Drew was way beyond "just drunk". Not a drop of sober ness was left in him. He was just drunk out of himself.

"Really?" I said playing along.

"Yeah. I know I'm probably drunk as f*ck right now but that was probably the only honest thing I'm gonna say all night. I mean it. I really....did...like that" he slurred as he tangled his hands through my hair and once again began kissing me. I've grown to like the feeling of his lips on mine. We started at it again but this time it wasn't for as long because my phone began to ring in my shirt.

"Your....boob's....vi....brating." Drew said in between kisses. Before I had a chance to say anything Drew's hand was down the top of my shirt reaching into my bra to remove my phone from my chest.

I read the caller ID. Imo was calling me. I put the phone to my ear.

"Baby where are you? I've asked everyone here an no one has seen you? Did you run off and leave me?"

"No no babe I'm still here I'm just..." I fished for a lie. I couldn't quite think of one since I wasn't all there and due to the fact that Drew was kissing my neck. He kissed along my sweet spot which made me shiver against him considering I was extremely ticklish there. A let out a squeal that sounded like a cross between a moan and a guinea pig. I felt him smile against my skin.

"I think I found my new favourite spot on my new favourite person" he laughed drunkenly and continued kissing there.

"I...umm...I'm...I'm still here Imo I'm just...ahh...shit."

"Dakota, what's going on? Why does it sound like...are you with someone?"

"Um no no I'm not with uhh any....oh god" I tried to sound convincing but if this was a switched situation and I was the sober one talking to a drunk Imogen I'd be laughing my ass off.

"LIES! Who is he? Where are you? Are you naked? Tell me your not doing it. Holy god I'm on the phone and your doing it ahh this is so weird. Who's the guy?" She rushed. I could barely keep up with her words as she was speaking so fast.

"Imo I'm not I,....Christ.....Imogen can I call you back....um later?" I tried. At this point I'm convinced she thinks I'm sleeping with this "mystery guy" so my best get is to get the hell off the phone.

"Can't, I really have to go. Are you coming or staying with mystery guy? Actually no, you have one option which is to come down to Morty asap. For one, I have to leave now and two, you need to tell me everything."

"Fine fine fine I'm coming just, wait there I'll be down in 10 minutes tops." Drew stopped all motion. I felt as his hands tightened around my waist pulling me against him. I don't think he likes the idea of me leaving.

"We're all outside ready to go. Eli just came in looking for you. I gotta get home like now chica." She rushed. I started to panic. I didn't want Eli walking in on a half naked Drew and me on top of him on the couch like this.

"Ok Imogen calm down I'm coming ok. I'm leaving now I'm coming!" I said quickly and hung up the phone.

"Jesus I thought she'd never go." Drew mumbled.

"Drew I gotta go." I tried getting off of him but his strong football muscles wouldn't let. "Please Drew. I wanna stay I really do. I mean, I really really do but I can't I have to go."

"Just...just a bit longer." Drew slurred and tried to kiss me again. As I opened my mouth trying to speak he took it as an opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. I caved. I stayed for 5 more minutes but when his hands began to wander I stopped and got up.

"Drew I really gotta go." I stood fixing myself.

"Can we continue this some other time then?" He said pulling his shirt over his head. His voice was muffled under the shirt.

"Your drunk. You probably won't remember any of this within the next hour. I have a challenge." I leaned towards him giving him a perfect view of my cleavage. " If you remember this night, we can do it again. But if you don't, well, we won't." I gave him one final kiss and then walked off. I felt pretty bad leaving him there but if not we'd be there all night and it's nearly two in the morning so I really gotta go.

I reached into my purse and reapplied lipstick and made it as if I was just dancing with some friends rather than making out with Drew for quite a while. My head began hurting. Jesus, this was gonna be one hell of a hang over tomorrow I thought to myself as I wandered around searching for Eli.

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