I Want What He Has!

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A/N this short story was written after i seen a rich man hit a poor mans coffee out of his hands the sad thing about this is no one stopped, even realised what had happened or offered the poor fella a hand. so i decided that day that even if we are different we still have the responsibility to lend a hand to one another. so after about five minutes i decided to ask the man how his day had been he said that it had gone by terribly to that i asked him why then he replied that he simply had no home no food and nothing left to give. at that moment a tear fell from my eye i asked him how he had his coffee and then proceeded to the shoe string cafe which helps australians poor and homeless people out i made the man a cup of coffee and asked the assistant if she could spare a meal sure enough she could. so i took what i had gathered to the man it was about 40 degrees that day . he thanked me and shook my hand as a sign of thanks . i knew how that man felt and it broke my heart ! if i seen the same thing happen and there wasnt a place  i could go too get free food for the perso i would do what i could to help. so i hope you enjoy this short story this one has the moral that even when your rich you shouldnt ever take that fr granted . also that if you see a poorer person struggling you should try to help.


Have you ever wanted something you know you will never have. I have and it truely does suck major balls. I'm not here to rant or rave . I'm just here to say I want what he's got. He's got that perfect little cottage the one down near the lake that is surrounded by flowers and trees. My little home is under a rock. He walks on thousands of dollars worth of cement. I walk on gravel that he won't dare to step foot on because he may cut his big toe. He wears shoes to cover his feet from the heat. I can't afford shoes for my feet I have cuts and burns all over them. I stop to help him with his groceries and get no thanks at all. I suppose at least he can afford groceries for his family where as my family lives out of his trashcan. He snuggles into his bed at while my family freezes.

Four weeks ago I lost my flash job. I realize now that I treated the poor man and lady over the road worse the I would have treated dog poo on my shoe. It's wrong I know I let them live out of my trashcan when I could have spent an extra hundred dollars to feed his starving family . I may just go and apologize for my poor behavior. I will walk down his drive way with no shoes on my feet so I suffer as much as he did . I will take him my old shoes they should fit him. I will also take him a blanket. When I arrive at his front door I notice a sign saying please knock but I can see bony feet from where I stand I start to worry. So I enter his house and find his bony poor fragile body cradling his child. I go to his burial and cry . That week I plant flowers in the garden for him , his wife and their baby. 

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