The Fantasy And The Lost

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                Ariana's p.o.v

Hello my name is Ariana and im 19. I live on the country side of Kansas, I just graduated high school . I always dreamed of being a model every since i was a little girl ,although my parents never approved of that i still want to follow my dreams ...Soon i would've never expected my life to change forever.

Mom:Ariana!! Sweetie its time for breakfast *she yelled up the stairs*

coming!! *I responded as i hurried to put my hair in a pony tail and rush down the stairs*

Dad: well goodmorning sleepy head

I could tell by the look in his eyes something was bothering him but ignored it
Goodmorning i said with a smile

Mom: Did you pick which college u wanted to go to

i didnt wanna go to college i thought this is the time  i could follow my dreams and travel the road to be a model but i didnt know how to get them to see it the way i do No i replied sadly

Mom: well have you at least read your scholar ship letters ?

Mom , Dad ... I dont want to go to college , i want to travel and be a model i said nervously

Mom: Look with collage u can become a doctor or a lawyer ..why you decided to be a model

Dad: Sweetie modeling may not get that far

*I was so angry at this point they never asked what i wanted. They wanted me to be what they wanted me to be*   Look i wanna be a model and thats my final decision . i said angrily and left the table to go to my room

Mom: Ariana!!

*I went to my room ,slammed the door and sat down on my bed* why cant they just accept this ? Accept what i want ? *Jus then i got a direct message on instagram ... I opened it and it read
Hello Ariana , Im from the famous modeling agency Willam Reynold's Agency, im sure youve heard of it but anyways ive been looking at your Instagram and i can see you have potential, i would like to fly you out to Atlanta to start right away , you may bring a friend or family member. If yout interested please contact my agency . omg i cant believe this is happening , its a dream come true i ran down stairs screaming in happiness*

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